Related Objects of Interest: stop , priority road , no entry , roundabout , give way , slippery road , pedestrian crossing , keep right , no overtaking , road narrows
9940 images
bikebuscarmotorpersonridertraffic signtraintruckcar_aheadcross walkinformation--pedestrians-crossing--g1not_relevant greennot_relevant rednot_relevant yellowregulatory--give-way-to-oncoming-traffic--g1regulatory--go-straight--g1regulatory--go-straight-or-turn-left--g1regulatory--go-straight-or-turn-right--g1regulatory--keep-left--g1
9896 images
bikebuscarmotorpersonridertraffic lighttraffic signtraintruckcar_aheadcross walkinformation--pedestrians-crossing--g1not_relevant greennot_relevant rednot_relevant yellowregulatory--give-way-to-oncoming-traffic--g1regulatory--go-straight--g1regulatory--go-straight-or-turn-left--g1regulatory--go-straight-or-turn-right--g1
10053 images
bikebuscarmotorpersonridertraffic signtraintruckcross walkinformation--pedestrians-crossing--g1not_relevant greennot_relevant rednot_relevant yellowregulatory--give-way-to-oncoming-traffic--g1regulatory--go-straight--g1regulatory--go-straight-or-turn-left--g1regulatory--go-straight-or-turn-right--g1regulatory--keep-left--g1regulatory--keep-right--g1
2312 images2 models
roundaboutBumpCar breakingChildrenCrosswindsCurveCyclist crossingCyclistsDipDomestic animalsEnd of all previously signed restrictionsEnd of no overtakingEnd of no overtaking by heavy goods vehiclesEnd of no parking zoneEnd of priority roadEnd of speed limit 30End of speed limit zone 30Entering cityExiting cityFalling rocks
4320 images1 model
1631 images
739 images2 models
1308 images1 model
Ahead onlyBeware of ice/snowBicycles crossingBumpy roadChildren crossingDangerous curve to the leftDangerous curve to the rightDouble curveEnd of all speed and passing limitsEnd of no passingEnd of no passing by vehicles over 3.5 metric tonsEnd of speed limit (80km/h)General cautionGo straight or leftGo straight or rightKeep leftKeep rightNo entryNo passingNo passing for vehicles over 3.5 metric tons
135 images
1563 images
30km_h Hiz Limiti (Speed limit)4_80 m den Yuksek Arac giremez (Vehicle higher than 4_80 m cannot enter)50km_h Hiz Limiti (Speed limit)60km_h Hiz Limiti (Speed limit)70km_h Hiz Limiti (Speed limit)90km_h Hiz Limiti (Speed limit)Bir Sonraki Kavsakta Gecis Hakki (Right-of-way at the next intersection)Buzlanma (Beware of ice-snow)Dur (Stop)Duraklamak ve Parketmek Yasaktir (No, stoping and parking)Duz veya Saga Gidis (Go straight or right)Duz veya Sola Gidis (Go straight or left)EDSEgimli Yol (Slop)Ehli Hayvan Gecebilir (Animal crossing)Engebeli Yol (Bumpy road)Gecis Sonu (End of no passing)Gecis Yasagi (No passing)Gecis Yasagi Sonu (End of no passing)Genel Uyari (General caution)
2675 images1 model
1563 images1 model
30km_h Hiz Limiti (Speed limit)4_80 m den Yuksek Arac giremez (Vehicle higher than 4_80 m cannot enter)50km_h Hiz Limiti (Speed limit)60km_h Hiz Limiti (Speed limit)70km_h Hiz Limiti (Speed limit)90km_h Hiz Limiti (Speed limit)Bir Sonraki Kavsakta Gecis Hakki (Right-of-way at the next intersection)Buzlanma (Beware of ice-snow)Dur (Stop)Duraklamak ve Parketmek Yasaktir (No, stoping and parking)Duz veya Saga Gidis (Go straight or right)Duz veya Sola Gidis (Go straight or left)EDSEgimli Yol (Slop)Ehli Hayvan Gecebilir (Animal crossing)Engebeli Yol (Bumpy road)Gecis Sonu (End of no passing)Gecis Yasagi (No passing)Gecis Yasagi Sonu (End of no passing)Genel Uyari (General caution)
122 images
All motor vehicles prohibitedAnimalsAxle load limitBarrierBlind persons likely on road aheadBuilt-up areaBullock cart and hand cart prohibitedBullock cart prohibitedBumpChevronChildrenCompulsory aheadCompulsory ahead or turn leftCompulsory ahead or turn rightCompulsory cycle trackCompulsory keep leftCompulsory minimum speedCompulsory sound hornCompulsory turn leftCompulsory turn left ahead
400 images
roundaboutBumpCar breakingChildrenDomestic animalsEnd of all previously signed restrictionsEnd of no overtakingEnd of no parking zoneEnd of priority roadEntering cityExiting cityGive wayGive way to oncoming trafficGreen lightHandicap parking zoneIce or snowIntersection with priorityLevel crossingLevel crossing 160mLevel crossing 240m
1621 images1 model
no entryslippery roadstoptraffic signalahead onlybeaware of icesnowbumpy roadbycycle crossingchildren crossingdangerous curve leftdangerous curve rightdouble curveend no passingveh3.5 tonsend no passingveh3.5 tons is prohiptedend ofno passinggeneral cautiongo stright or leftgo stright or rightkeep leftkeep right
6449 images
Ahead onlyBeware of ice-snowBicycles crossingBumpy roadChildren crossingDangerous curve to the leftDangerous curve to the rightDouble curveEnd of all speed and passing limitsEnd of no passingEnd of no passing by vehicles over 3-5 metric tonsEnd of speed limit (80km-h)General cautionGo straight or leftGo straight or rightKeep leftKeep rightNo HornNo Left TurnNo Overtaking
8902 images
2538 images
Ahead OnlyBeware of Ice-SnowBicycles CrossingBumpy RoadChildren CrossingDangerous Left CurveDangerous Right CurveDouble CurveEnd of All Speed and Passing LimitsEnd of Speed Limit 80km-hEnd of no passingEnd of no passing by vechiles over 3-5 metric tonsGeneral CautionGo straight or leftGo straight or rightKeep RightKeep leftNo EntryNo PassingNo passing for Vechiles over 3-5 metric tons
1192 images1 model
Bus StoprotationBus only LanerotationChevron MarkersrotationChildren present- crossing AheadrotationCompulsory RoundaboutrotationCompulsory Roundaboutrotation\Cross Roads AheadrotationCycle Lane AheadrotationCycle only LanerotationDirectional Sign (EXPRESS WAY)rotationDirectional Sign (NORMAL)rotationDirectional Sign (NORMAL)rotation\Double bend aheadEnd of ExpresswayrotationEntrance to an ExpresswayrotationGive Way AheadrotationGive Way to vehicles on the adjacent roadrotationHeight LimitrotationL Merges AheadrotationLeft Bend Ahead
1880 images
Ahead onlyAhead-onlyBeware of ice/snowBeware-of-ice/snowBicycles crossingBicycles-crossingBumpy roadBumpy-roadChildren crossingChildren-crossingDangerous curve to the leftDangerous curve to the rightDangerous-curve-to-the-leftDangerous-curve-to-the-rightDouble curveDouble-curveEnd of all speed and passing limitsEnd of no passingEnd-of-all-speed-and-passing-limitsEnd-of-no-passing
1828 images
Ahead onlyBeware of ice/snow Bicycles crossingBumpy roadChildren crossingDangerous curve leftDangerous curve right Double curve End no passing veh>3.5 tonsEnd of no passingEnd of speed limit (80km/h)End speed + passing limitsGeneral cautionGo straight or left Go straight or rightKeep leftKeep rightNo entry No passingNo passing veh over 3.5 tons