Related Objects of Interest: no parking , steep descent , stop , give way , no entry , pedestrian crossing , steep ascent , roundabout , no left turn , falling rocks
2312 images2 models
roundaboutBumpCar breakingChildrenCrosswindsCurveCyclist crossingCyclistsDipDomestic animalsEnd of all previously signed restrictionsEnd of no overtakingEnd of no overtaking by heavy goods vehiclesEnd of no parking zoneEnd of priority roadEnd of speed limit 30End of speed limit zone 30Entering cityExiting cityFalling rocks
4320 images1 model
2280 images
no entryno parkingpedestrian crossingroundaboutslippery roadstopall motor vehicle prohibitedaxle load limitcompulsary aheadcompulsary keep leftcompulsary keep rightcompulsary turn left aheadcompulsary turn right aheadcross roaddangerous dipfalling rocksgap in mediangive wayguarded level crossingheight limit
83 images
2675 images1 model
122 images
All motor vehicles prohibitedAnimalsAxle load limitBarrierBlind persons likely on road aheadBuilt-up areaBullock cart and hand cart prohibitedBullock cart prohibitedBumpChevronChildrenCompulsory aheadCompulsory ahead or turn leftCompulsory ahead or turn rightCompulsory cycle trackCompulsory keep leftCompulsory minimum speedCompulsory sound hornCompulsory turn leftCompulsory turn left ahead
8775 images1 model
100m from concealed level crossing2 lane usage and direction overview200m from concealed level crossing3 lane usage and direction overview300m from concealed level crossingAhead onlyBegin of a residential areaBegin of a zone with speed limit 30Begin of a zone with speed limit 40Begin of expresswayBegin of zone where parking is prohibitedBicycleBus StopBuses prohibitedCamping site aheadCars not allowed - prohibitedCattle crossingCaution, cyclists aheadChildren crossing the roadCircular mirror
3321 images
4201 images
10 km/h Speed Limit100 km/h Speed Limit20 km/h Speed Limit30 km/h Speed Limit40 km/h Speed Limit50 km/h Speed Limit60 km/h Speed Limit80 km/h Speed LimitAdded Lane (left)Advisory speed 20Bicycle LaneBicycles OnlyBus LaneCurve to leftCurve to rightEnd ClearwayEnd RoadworkEnd of Shared ZoneEnd of road Curve markerGive Way to Pedestrians
9900 images1 model
bicyclecrosswalkparkingstoptruckwarning-Road narrows on right50 mph speed limitAttention Please-Beware of childrenBridge AheadCYCLE ROUTE AHEAD WARNINGCross RoadsDangerous Left Curve AheadDangerous Rright Curve AheadEnd of all speed and passing limitsGive WayGive Way- YeildGo Straight Or LeftGo Straight Or Right
86 images
Bus stopCycle trackDipFilling stationGuarded level crossing aheadHeight limit-3.5mHotelKeep leftLevel crossing countdown markerNarrow roadNgã BaNo Left turnNo entryNo entry for TrucksNo entry for bicyclesNo entry for motor vehiclesNo entry for pedestriansNo parkingNo passingNo vehicles in both directions
334 images
no entryno parkingpedestrian crossingroundaboutslippery roadstopall motor vehicle prohibitedaxle load limitcompulsary aheadcompulsary keep leftcompulsary keep rightcompulsary turn left aheadcompulsary turn right aheadcross roaddangerous dipfalling rocksgap in mediangive wayguarded level crossingheight limit
6007 images1 model
660 images2 models
roundaboutBumpChildrenCrosswindsCurveCyclistsDipDomestic animalsEnd of all previously signed restrictionsEnd of no overtakingEnd of no overtaking by heavy goods vehiclesEnd of priority roadEnd of speed limit 30End of speed limit zone 30Falling rocksFogGive wayGive way to oncoming trafficGreen lightHeight limit 3-5m
3520 images1 model
no entryno parkingpedestrian crossingroundaboutslippery roadstopall motor vehicle prohibitedaxle load limitcompulsary aheadcompulsary keep leftcompulsary keep rightcompulsary turn left aheadcompulsary turn right aheadcross roaddangerous dipfalling rocksgap in mediangive wayguarded level crossingheight limit
9274 images4 models
no entryno parkingpedestrian crossingroundaboutslippery roadstoptraffic signalLane-Linesall motor vehicle prohibitedaxle load limitbullock cart and hand cart prohibitedcattle aheadchevron directioncompulsary aheadcompulsary ahead or turn leftcompulsary ahead or turn rightcompulsary keep leftcompulsary keep rightcompulsary sound horncompulsary turn left ahead
1183 images
no entryno parkingpedestrian crossingroundaboutslippery roadstoptraffic signalLane-Linesall motor vehicle prohibitedaxle load limitbullock cart and hand cart prohibitedcattle aheadchevron directioncompulsary aheadcompulsary ahead or turn leftcompulsary ahead or turn rightcompulsary keep leftcompulsary keep rightcompulsary sound horncompulsary turn left ahead
9978 images
no entryno parkingpedestrian crossingroundaboutslippery roadstoptraffic signalLane-LinesUnlabeledall motor vehicle prohibitedaxle load limitbullock cart and hand cart prohibitedcattle aheadchevron directioncompulsary aheadcompulsary ahead or turn leftcompulsary ahead or turn rightcompulsary keep leftcompulsary keep rightcompulsary sound horn
10002 images
no entryno parkingpedestrian crossingroundaboutslippery roadstoptraffic signalLane-Linesall motor vehicle prohibitedaxle load limitbullock cart and hand cart prohibitedcattle aheadchevron directioncompulsary aheadcompulsary ahead or turn leftcompulsary ahead or turn rightcompulsary keep leftcompulsary keep rightcompulsary sound horncompulsary turn left ahead
3277 images
no entryno parkingpedestrian crossingroundaboutslippery roadstopall motor vehicle prohibitedaxle load limitcompulsary aheadcompulsary keep leftcompulsary keep rightcompulsary turn left aheadcompulsary turn right aheadcross roaddangerous dipfalling rocksgap in mediangive wayguarded level crossingheight limit
665 images
no entryno parkingpedestrian crossingroundaboutslippery roadstopall motor vehicle prohibitedaxle load limitcompulsary aheadcompulsary keep leftcompulsary keep rightcompulsary turn left aheadcompulsary turn right aheadcross roaddangerous dipfalling rocksgap in mediangive wayguarded level crossingheight limit
1570 images1 model
15 degreesABS malfunctionACC Status Indicator (Active_135)ACC Status Indicator (Active_8)ACC Status Indicator (Standby_135)ACC Status Indicator (Standby_8)ACC driver overtakingACC driver takes over cueAEB Off indicatorAUTO mode_vehicle modeAbnormal status of low-voltage power supply systemAbnormal tire pressureAdvance charging indicatorAutomatic parking activationAutomatic parking on indicatorBattery heatingBrake system malfunction or low brake fluid levelBrake system warning lightCLTCCar model with low light on
4354 images1 model
no entryno parkingpedestrian crossingroundaboutslippery roadstoptraffic signalall motor vehicle prohibitedaxle load limitbullock cart and hand cart prohibitedcattle aheadchevron directioncompulsary aheadcompulsary ahead or turn leftcompulsary ahead or turn rightcompulsary keep leftcompulsary keep rightcompulsary sound horncompulsary turn left aheadcompulsary turn right ahead
![](https://source.roboflow.com/XmojjrNbUnNaKEl44DyyRFFHmZY2/I8Mt4mz0k1Ib6X0Qlxw4/annotation-stop sign.png)
85 images1 model
9992 images1 model
no entryno parkingpedestrian crossingroundaboutslippery roadstoptraffic signalLane-Linesall motor vehicle prohibitedaxle load limitbullock cart and hand cart prohibitedcattle aheadchevron directioncompulsary aheadcompulsary ahead or turn leftcompulsary ahead or turn rightcompulsary keep leftcompulsary keep rightcompulsary sound horncompulsary turn left ahead
57 images
141142143144Advisory Speed 55 km-hAll Traffic Must Turn LeftAll Traffic Must Turn RightAlternative Railway Crossing Position in an Area That Can Be Easily SeemAnimal Crossing AheadApproach to IntersectionApproach to Intersection Merging Traffic -Left-Approach to Intersection Merging Traffic -Right-Approach to Intersection Side Road -Left-Approach to Intersection Side Road -Right-Be Aware and Stop for Children Crossing AheadBe Aware and Stop for Person with Disabilities AheadBe Aware of Pedestrian CrossingBe Aware of Person with Disabilities -PWD- CrossingBe Aware of School Children CrossingBike Lane
2988 images
64 images