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first-project-2iqff/33 (latest)
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{ "boxes": [ { "type": "polygon", "label": "Singing Bowl", "x": 910.5, "y": 726.5, "width": 95, "height": 155, "points": [ [ 894, 649 ], [ 932, 650 ], [ 944, 655 ], [ 958, 773 ], [ 952, 779 ], [ 948, 793 ], [ 928, 804 ], [ 904, 803 ], [ 882, 787 ], [ 870, 740 ], [ 863, 665 ], [ 865, 661 ] ] }, { "type": "polygon", "label": "vial", "x": 1581, "y": 1082, "width": 42, "height": 62, "points": [ [ 1576, 1051 ], [ 1586, 1052 ], [ 1586, 1054 ], [ 1592, 1060 ], [ 1593, 1065 ], [ 1590, 1071 ], [ 1590, 1077 ], [ 1595, 1087 ], [ 1597, 1088 ], [ 1600, 1096 ], [ 1602, 1097 ], [ 1602, 1101 ], [ 1600, 1105 ], [ 1588, 1113 ], [ 1574, 1113 ], [ 1572, 1111 ], [ 1564, 1109 ], [ 1560, 1104 ], [ 1560, 1095 ], [ 1567, 1081 ], [ 1570, 1078 ], [ 1571, 1062 ], [ 1573, 1060 ], [ 1574, 1053 ] ] }, { "type": "polygon", "label": "vial", "x": 1756, "y": 1082.5, "width": 42, "height": 61, "points": [ [ 1751, 1052 ], [ 1759, 1053 ], [ 1763, 1057 ], [ 1763, 1059 ], [ 1767, 1062 ], [ 1766, 1071 ], [ 1764, 1075 ], [ 1765, 1075 ], [ 1766, 1082 ], [ 1769, 1085 ], [ 1777, 1102 ], [ 1774, 1107 ], [ 1761, 1113 ], [ 1750, 1113 ], [ 1750, 1112 ], [ 1741, 1110 ], [ 1735, 1104 ], [ 1736, 1092 ], [ 1740, 1089 ], [ 1741, 1085 ], [ 1743, 1084 ], [ 1744, 1080 ], [ 1747, 1077 ], [ 1745, 1064 ], [ 1748, 1060 ], [ 1748, 1055 ] ] }, { "label": "inventory selected", "x": 1597.51, "y": 1325.84, "width": 71.66, "height": 73.17 }, { "type": "polygon", "label": "Tool Storage", "x": 1194.5, "y": 484.5, "width": 109, "height": 155, "points": [ [ 1140, 503 ], [ 1143, 537 ], [ 1162, 556 ], [ 1202, 562 ], [ 1226, 558 ], [ 1242, 550 ], [ 1249, 537 ], [ 1249, 515 ], [ 1232, 421 ], [ 1205, 407 ], [ 1193, 407 ] ] }, { "type": "polygon", "label": "Fish Supply", "x": 551.5, "y": 328, "width": 111, "height": 78, "points": [ [ 497, 326 ], [ 496, 344 ], [ 515, 363 ], [ 554, 367 ], [ 572, 363 ], [ 593, 351 ], [ 602, 340 ], [ 607, 318 ], [ 598, 301 ], [ 580, 289 ], [ 543, 290 ], [ 513, 302 ] ] }, { "type": "polygon", "label": "Fish Supply", "x": 307.5, "y": 545, "width": 131, "height": 96, "points": [ [ 242, 545 ], [ 242, 569 ], [ 260, 587 ], [ 268, 592 ], [ 306, 593 ], [ 340, 580 ], [ 354, 569 ], [ 364, 556 ], [ 373, 522 ], [ 342, 497 ], [ 290, 500 ], [ 263, 512 ], [ 253, 522 ] ] }, { "type": "polygon", "label": "Teleport Platform", "x": 886.5, "y": 267.5, "width": 107, "height": 185, "points": [ [ 833, 314 ], [ 833, 336 ], [ 839, 348 ], [ 869, 359 ], [ 892, 360 ], [ 914, 355 ], [ 931, 343 ], [ 940, 325 ], [ 938, 310 ], [ 876, 175 ] ] } ], "height": 1440, "key": "CGTest04461.png", "width": 2560 }
Annotation Editor
Smart Polygon