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first-project-2iqff/33 (latest)
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{ "boxes": [ { "type": "polygon", "label": "Singing Bowl", "x": 730, "y": 745.5, "width": 132, "height": 183, "points": [ [ 732, 654 ], [ 738, 655 ], [ 753, 672 ], [ 764, 706 ], [ 771, 716 ], [ 789, 783 ], [ 796, 795 ], [ 783, 821 ], [ 755, 837 ], [ 730, 835 ], [ 707, 818 ], [ 694, 789 ], [ 664, 691 ], [ 667, 680 ] ] }, { "type": "polygon", "label": "vial", "x": 1582, "y": 1081.5, "width": 42, "height": 61, "points": [ [ 1561, 1095 ], [ 1561, 1105 ], [ 1568, 1111 ], [ 1589, 1112 ], [ 1598, 1108 ], [ 1602, 1104 ], [ 1603, 1101 ], [ 1593, 1061 ], [ 1588, 1053 ], [ 1584, 1051 ], [ 1575, 1052 ] ] }, { "type": "polygon", "label": "vial", "x": 1755, "y": 1082, "width": 42, "height": 62, "points": [ [ 1745, 1063 ], [ 1734, 1098 ], [ 1736, 1107 ], [ 1748, 1113 ], [ 1762, 1113 ], [ 1772, 1109 ], [ 1776, 1105 ], [ 1776, 1098 ], [ 1766, 1059 ], [ 1760, 1052 ], [ 1750, 1051 ] ] }, { "type": "polygon", "label": "staff -attuned-", "x": 1498, "y": 1154, "width": 46, "height": 60, "points": [ [ 1500, 1134 ], [ 1475, 1175 ], [ 1475, 1182 ], [ 1477, 1184 ], [ 1479, 1184 ], [ 1520, 1141 ], [ 1521, 1127 ], [ 1517, 1124 ], [ 1510, 1124 ] ] }, { "label": "inventory selected", "x": 1598.42, "y": 1324.48, "width": 68.03, "height": 72.26 }, { "type": "polygon", "label": "cooking range", "x": 1419.5, "y": 314, "width": 75, "height": 82, "points": [ [ 1399, 273 ], [ 1408, 288 ], [ 1457, 289 ], [ 1456, 310 ], [ 1426, 311 ], [ 1424, 314 ], [ 1425, 355 ], [ 1396, 352 ], [ 1382, 325 ], [ 1383, 299 ] ] }, { "type": "polygon", "label": "Tool Storage", "x": 1079.5, "y": 506.5, "width": 125, "height": 119, "points": [ [ 1018, 506 ], [ 1017, 522 ], [ 1023, 545 ], [ 1041, 558 ], [ 1066, 565 ], [ 1083, 566 ], [ 1118, 558 ], [ 1134, 548 ], [ 1142, 528 ], [ 1141, 506 ], [ 1127, 471 ], [ 1115, 456 ], [ 1093, 447 ], [ 1045, 452 ], [ 1030, 472 ] ] }, { "type": "polygon", "label": "Teleport Platform", "x": 752.5, "y": 257, "width": 119, "height": 146, "points": [ [ 725, 184 ], [ 693, 288 ], [ 695, 312 ], [ 705, 324 ], [ 726, 330 ], [ 785, 326 ], [ 806, 308 ], [ 812, 294 ], [ 810, 279 ], [ 736, 187 ] ] }, { "type": "polygon", "label": "water source", "x": 1263.5, "y": 216.5, "width": 63, "height": 125, "points": [ [ 1283, 154 ], [ 1288, 158 ], [ 1283, 172 ], [ 1287, 189 ], [ 1280, 203 ], [ 1279, 236 ], [ 1273, 241 ], [ 1290, 250 ], [ 1295, 258 ], [ 1294, 268 ], [ 1279, 279 ], [ 1255, 279 ], [ 1239, 271 ], [ 1232, 256 ], [ 1240, 244 ], [ 1263, 239 ], [ 1266, 202 ] ] } ], "height": 1440, "key": "CGTest04621.png", "width": 2560 }
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Smart Polygon