Drop image here to test
first-project-2iqff/33 (latest)
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{ "boxes": [ { "type": "polygon", "label": "Singing Bowl", "x": 911.5, "y": 722.5, "width": 89, "height": 165, "points": [ [ 881, 640 ], [ 928, 651 ], [ 943, 659 ], [ 956, 775 ], [ 947, 793 ], [ 928, 805 ], [ 899, 802 ], [ 884, 790 ], [ 879, 780 ], [ 868, 729 ], [ 867, 681 ] ] }, { "type": "polygon", "label": "Tool Storage", "x": 1194.5, "y": 476.5, "width": 109, "height": 173, "points": [ [ 1140, 501 ], [ 1142, 533 ], [ 1162, 556 ], [ 1203, 563 ], [ 1232, 556 ], [ 1245, 547 ], [ 1249, 537 ], [ 1245, 410 ], [ 1238, 394 ], [ 1226, 390 ], [ 1176, 393 ] ] }, { "type": "polygon", "label": "weapon frame", "x": 1670, "y": 1229.5, "width": 54, "height": 51, "points": [ [ 1668, 1205 ], [ 1643, 1244 ], [ 1643, 1252 ], [ 1645, 1255 ], [ 1687, 1252 ], [ 1697, 1242 ], [ 1697, 1237 ], [ 1682, 1208 ], [ 1676, 1204 ] ] }, { "label": "inventory selected", "x": 1598.42, "y": 1325.09, "width": 72.26, "height": 77.71 }, { "type": "polygon", "label": "Fish Supply", "x": 308, "y": 545, "width": 132, "height": 96, "points": [ [ 242, 546 ], [ 242, 570 ], [ 259, 588 ], [ 272, 593 ], [ 306, 593 ], [ 342, 579 ], [ 362, 560 ], [ 374, 523 ], [ 342, 497 ], [ 291, 500 ], [ 265, 511 ], [ 255, 520 ] ] }, { "type": "polygon", "label": "Fish Supply", "x": 550, "y": 328.5, "width": 110, "height": 77, "points": [ [ 496, 325 ], [ 495, 343 ], [ 515, 364 ], [ 555, 367 ], [ 582, 358 ], [ 599, 345 ], [ 605, 312 ], [ 596, 299 ], [ 581, 290 ], [ 542, 290 ], [ 505, 301 ] ] }, { "type": "polygon", "label": "Teleport Platform", "x": 885.5, "y": 243.5, "width": 107, "height": 227, "points": [ [ 865, 155 ], [ 832, 315 ], [ 832, 335 ], [ 841, 351 ], [ 856, 357 ], [ 903, 357 ], [ 929, 343 ], [ 939, 318 ], [ 918, 237 ], [ 872, 130 ] ] }, { "type": "polygon", "label": "water source", "x": 1342.5, "y": 253, "width": 55, "height": 114, "points": [ [ 1366, 196 ], [ 1370, 199 ], [ 1365, 219 ], [ 1368, 233 ], [ 1361, 246 ], [ 1361, 269 ], [ 1353, 277 ], [ 1367, 286 ], [ 1370, 300 ], [ 1357, 310 ], [ 1329, 308 ], [ 1319, 301 ], [ 1315, 290 ], [ 1321, 280 ], [ 1343, 275 ], [ 1347, 240 ] ] } ], "height": 1440, "key": "CGTest04381.png", "width": 2560 }
Annotation Editor
Smart Polygon