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first-project-2iqff/33 (latest)
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{ "boxes": [ { "type": "polygon", "label": "Singing Bowl", "x": 910, "y": 726.5, "width": 94, "height": 155, "points": [ [ 908, 649 ], [ 937, 652 ], [ 944, 659 ], [ 957, 775 ], [ 947, 795 ], [ 929, 804 ], [ 905, 803 ], [ 883, 788 ], [ 869, 732 ], [ 863, 661 ], [ 884, 651 ] ] }, { "type": "polygon", "label": "staff -attuned-", "x": 1497.5, "y": 1154.5, "width": 47, "height": 59, "points": [ [ 1510, 1125 ], [ 1519, 1125 ], [ 1521, 1127 ], [ 1521, 1135 ], [ 1520, 1135 ], [ 1519, 1142 ], [ 1506, 1148 ], [ 1503, 1154 ], [ 1497, 1160 ], [ 1497, 1162 ], [ 1493, 1165 ], [ 1493, 1167 ], [ 1481, 1179 ], [ 1480, 1184 ], [ 1475, 1184 ], [ 1475, 1181 ], [ 1474, 1181 ], [ 1475, 1174 ], [ 1482, 1169 ], [ 1482, 1167 ], [ 1484, 1166 ], [ 1485, 1162 ], [ 1490, 1157 ], [ 1490, 1155 ], [ 1498, 1148 ], [ 1500, 1144 ], [ 1499, 1135 ], [ 1505, 1128 ], [ 1507, 1128 ] ] }, { "type": "polygon", "label": "vial", "x": 1581, "y": 1082, "width": 44, "height": 64, "points": [ [ 1573, 1054 ], [ 1559, 1097 ], [ 1559, 1104 ], [ 1561, 1108 ], [ 1567, 1112 ], [ 1575, 1114 ], [ 1590, 1114 ], [ 1597, 1111 ], [ 1603, 1105 ], [ 1603, 1098 ], [ 1593, 1062 ], [ 1588, 1054 ], [ 1583, 1050 ], [ 1576, 1050 ] ] }, { "type": "polygon", "label": "vial", "x": 1755.5, "y": 1081.5, "width": 43, "height": 61, "points": [ [ 1749, 1053 ], [ 1734, 1098 ], [ 1734, 1102 ], [ 1739, 1109 ], [ 1746, 1112 ], [ 1765, 1112 ], [ 1777, 1103 ], [ 1767, 1062 ], [ 1759, 1052 ], [ 1751, 1051 ] ] }, { "label": "inventory selected", "x": 1598.27, "y": 1324.79, "width": 67.12, "height": 75.89 }, { "type": "polygon", "label": "Tool Storage", "x": 1194.5, "y": 497, "width": 109, "height": 130, "points": [ [ 1140, 503 ], [ 1143, 539 ], [ 1160, 556 ], [ 1210, 562 ], [ 1242, 551 ], [ 1249, 537 ], [ 1249, 514 ], [ 1235, 433 ], [ 1189, 432 ] ] }, { "type": "polygon", "label": "Fish Supply", "x": 551, "y": 329, "width": 110, "height": 78, "points": [ [ 498, 319 ], [ 496, 348 ], [ 517, 366 ], [ 528, 368 ], [ 562, 368 ], [ 577, 363 ], [ 602, 343 ], [ 606, 325 ], [ 606, 314 ], [ 598, 301 ], [ 581, 290 ], [ 529, 295 ], [ 503, 309 ] ] }, { "type": "polygon", "label": "Fish Supply", "x": 308, "y": 545, "width": 132, "height": 98, "points": [ [ 242, 538 ], [ 242, 569 ], [ 261, 589 ], [ 279, 594 ], [ 310, 593 ], [ 346, 578 ], [ 359, 566 ], [ 365, 558 ], [ 374, 523 ], [ 341, 496 ], [ 315, 496 ], [ 260, 510 ] ] }, { "type": "polygon", "label": "Teleport Platform", "x": 885.5, "y": 301.5, "width": 107, "height": 115, "points": [ [ 839, 305 ], [ 832, 329 ], [ 835, 340 ], [ 845, 350 ], [ 876, 359 ], [ 924, 348 ], [ 939, 320 ], [ 933, 302 ], [ 885, 244 ], [ 874, 250 ] ] } ], "height": 1440, "key": "CGTest04511.png", "width": 2560 }
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Smart Polygon