Related Objects of Interest: stop , slippery road , no parking , give way , pedestrian crossing , no stopping , ferry , hospital , hump , falling rocks
Top Caution Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for caution detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the caution datasets below.

8009 images
* 50% probability of horizontal flip* 50% probability of vertical flip* Random Gaussian blur of between 0 and 3.25 pixels* Randomly crop between 0 and 33 percent of the image* annotate, and create datasets* collaborate with your team on computer vision projects* collect & organize images* export, train, and deploy computer vision models* understand and search unstructured image data* use active learning to improve your dataset over time-02122232425262728

9647 images1 model
Bicycle laneBumpsBumps aheadBus stopCamera operation zoneCaution construction works aheadCaution damaged roadsCaution drive slowlyCaution flagman aheadChevron (left)Chevron (right)ChildrenCow nearbyCrossroadCrossroad on the leftCrossroad on the rightCrosswind areaDanger AheadDetourfollow arrowDouble Bend to Left Ahead

342 images
no entryslippery roadstopSpeed limit (20kmh)beware of icesnowbicycles crossingbumpy roadchildren crossingdangerous curve to the leftdangerous curve to the rightdouble curvegeneral cautionno vehiclespedestrianspriority roadright-of-way at the next intersectionroad narrows on the rightroad worktraffic signalsyield

165 images
Ahead onlyBeware of ice/snowBicyclescrossingBumpy roadChildren crossingDangerous curve leftDangerous curve rightDouble curveEnd no passing vehicle > 3End no passing vehicle > 3.5 tonsEnd of no passingEnd speed + passing limitsGeneral cautionGo straight or leftGo straight or rightKeep leftKeep rightNo entryNo passingNo passing veh over 3

6449 images
Ahead onlyBeware of ice-snowBicycles crossingBumpy roadChildren crossingDangerous curve to the leftDangerous curve to the rightDouble curveEnd of all speed and passing limitsEnd of no passingEnd of no passing by vehicles over 3-5 metric tonsEnd of speed limit (80km-h)General cautionGo straight or leftGo straight or rightKeep leftKeep rightNo HornNo Left TurnNo Overtaking

1830 images1 model

81 images1 model
forkAuto not permittedBig truck not permittedCaution DisabledCaution animalsCaution childrenCaution cliffCaution falling rocksCaution road usersDangerDangerous Uphill GradeDangerous downhill gradeKeep leftKeep rightLane Ends Merge leftLane Ends Merge rightLow-lying roadMaximum speedMotocycle not permittedNarrow bridge ahead

1100 images2 models
Dangerous curve to the rightGeneral cautionNo entryNo passingPedestriansRoad workSlippery roadStopTraffic signal_greenTraffic signal_redTraffic signal_yellowYieldspeed limit 100km/hspeed limit 120km/hspeed limit 30km/hspeed limit 40km/hspeed limit 50km/hspeed limit 60km/hspeed limit 70km/hspeed limit 80km/h

1828 images
Ahead onlyBeware of ice/snow Bicycles crossingBumpy roadChildren crossingDangerous curve leftDangerous curve right Double curve End no passing veh>3.5 tonsEnd of no passingEnd of speed limit (80km/h)End speed + passing limitsGeneral cautionGo straight or left Go straight or rightKeep leftKeep rightNo entry No passingNo passing veh over 3.5 tons

4300 images
stopAhead onlyBeaware of icesnowBumpy roadChildren CrossingDangerous curve leftDangerous curve rightDouble curveEnd Speed - Passing limitsEnd no passing veh 3-5 tonsEnd of no passingGeneral cautionGo Stright or LeftGo Stright or RightKeep LeftKeep RightNo entryNo passingNo passing veh over 3-5 tonsNo vechiels

1992 images1 model
Ahead onlyBeware of ice/snowBicycles CrossingBumpy RoadChildren CrossingDouble curveEnd of all speed and passing limitsEnd of no passingEnd of no passing by vehicles over 3.5 metric tonsEnd of speed limit (80km/h)General cautionGo straight or leftGo straight or rightKeep leftKeep rightLeft curveNo entryNo passingNo passing for vehicles over 3.5 metric tonsNo vehicles

2538 images
Ahead OnlyBeware of Ice-SnowBicycles CrossingBumpy RoadChildren CrossingDangerous Left CurveDangerous Right CurveDouble CurveEnd of All Speed and Passing LimitsEnd of Speed Limit 80km-hEnd of no passingEnd of no passing by vechiles over 3-5 metric tonsGeneral CautionGo straight or leftGo straight or rightKeep RightKeep leftNo EntryNo PassingNo passing for Vechiles over 3-5 metric tons

1308 images1 model
Ahead onlyBeware of ice/snowBicycles crossingBumpy roadChildren crossingDangerous curve to the leftDangerous curve to the rightDouble curveEnd of all speed and passing limitsEnd of no passingEnd of no passing by vehicles over 3.5 metric tonsEnd of speed limit (80km/h)General cautionGo straight or leftGo straight or rightKeep leftKeep rightNo entryNo passingNo passing for vehicles over 3.5 metric tons