Related Objects of Interest: bicycles , motorcycles , crosswalks , stop , traffic lights , stairs , no stopping , no entry , chimneys , tractors
Top Buses Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for buses detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the buses datasets below.

28 images
No entry for all vehiclesNo entry for animal-drawn vehiclesNo entry for bicycles and mopedsNo entry for busesNo entry for goods vehiclesNo entry for handcartsNo entry for motor cyclesNo entry for pedestriansNo entry for power driven agricultural vehiclesNo entry for trailers other than semitrailers or single axle trailerNo entry for vehicles having one axle load exceedingshowen 2t limitNo entry for vehicles with cross weight exceeding showen 5t limitNo entry for vehicles with overall height exceeding 3No entry for vehicles with overall height exceeding 3.5m limitNo entry for vehicles with overall length exceeding 10 limitNo entry for vehicles with overall width exceeding 2m limitNo left turnNo overtaking by all vehicelsNo overtaking by goods vehicelsNo rightturn

142 images1 model
Ahead onlyAutotoll boothAutotoll traffic laneBicycle / tricycle routeCross-harbour taxi stand, used with Sign 82Cycling restriction - cyclists must dismount and push their cyclesEnd of New Territories taxis operating areaEnd of an expresswayEnd of bus laneEnd of cycling restrictionEnd of the prohibition, restriction or warningEnd of ʻno stoppingʼ restrictionGive way to traffic on major roadGreen minibus standKeep leftKeep rightLantau taxi stand, used with Sign 82Left lane shows bus lane for franchised and other buses during the time shownLeft lane shows bus lane for franchised buses only during the time shownLength over which the prohibition or hazard exists

214 images1 model
AvanceCeda el pasoDirección ObligatoriaDirección obligatoriaEstacionamiento permitidoExclusivo para bicicletasExclusivo para busesNo entreNo estacionarParePaso peatonalPeatonesProhibido VehículosProhibido adelantarProhibido dar vuelta en UProhibido estacionarProhibido girar a la derechaProhibido girar a la izquierdaProhibido peatonesProhibido pitar

326 images1 model

66 images

660 images2 models
roundaboutBumpChildrenCrosswindsCurveCyclistsDipDomestic animalsEnd of all previously signed restrictionsEnd of no overtakingEnd of no overtaking by heavy goods vehiclesEnd of priority roadEnd of speed limit 30End of speed limit zone 30Falling rocksFogGive wayGive way to oncoming trafficGreen lightHeight limit 3-5m

820 images
Added lane aheadAnimals aheadBicycles onlyBridge out ahead with a temporary bridge on a detour on leftBridge out ahead with a temporary bridge on a detour on rightBuses onlyChildrenConstruction aheadConstruction vehicles aheadCrossroadsCurve to leftCurve to rightDipDivided road beginsDivided road endsDouble curve first to leftDouble curve first to rightFalling rocksGive wayGive way ahead

2312 images2 models
roundaboutBumpCar breakingChildrenCrosswindsCurveCyclist crossingCyclistsDipDomestic animalsEnd of all previously signed restrictionsEnd of no overtakingEnd of no overtaking by heavy goods vehiclesEnd of no parking zoneEnd of priority roadEnd of speed limit 30End of speed limit zone 30Entering cityExiting cityFalling rocks

4320 images1 model

2675 images1 model

8389 images3 models
AcamparAguas termalesAlojamientoAltura máxima (Serie complementaria)Altura máxima Serie de límites máximosAnchos de víaAngostamiento de la vía izquierdaAngostamiento en ambos ladosAnimales en víaAproximación a redondelAproximación a semáforoAscenso pronunciadoAsignación de carril anticipado de intersecciónAuxilio mecánicoBandas transversales de alertaBifurcación a la derechaCamping / VerdeCarril izquierdo cerradoCascadaCeda el paso

1920 images1 model
Angostamiento de la vía izquierdaAproximación a redondeCruce de línea ferreás con barrera y semáforosCruce de víasCurva abierta derechaCurva abierta izquierdaCurva cerrada izquierdaCurva y contra curva abierta - derechaCurva y contra curva abierta - izquierdaDescenso PronunciadoDoble víaEmpalme lateral izquierdoIncorporación de transito derechaIncorporación de transito izquierdaKilómetros/HoraLímite máximo de velocidadMantenga derecha busesMantenga derecha vehículos pesadoMetrosNo adelantar

253 images9 models
stop sign"Lane for Trucks and Buses"No Parking" sign"Pedestrian Area"Railway crossing sign"6Actual Clearance HeightBRT exclusive lan signBegin ExpresswayBoundary SignBumpy Road AheadChildren crossing signContinuous dangerous curvesCrossroadDangerous curveDangerous downhill slopeDirection of TrafficDirectional Road SignsDistance to the SignEnd of Tunnel

143 images
parkingsigntraffic lightAhead onlyBicycle tricycle route No motor vehiclesCycling restriction - cyclists must dismount and push their cyclesEnd of bus laneEnd of public light buses ʻno stoppingʼ restrictionEnd of ʻno stoppingʼ restrictionGive wayKeep leftNo U-turnNo bicycles and tricyclesNo buses and coachesNo entry for all vehiclesNo entry signNo goods vehiclesNo left-turn (No right-turn if symbol reversed)No motor cycles and motor tricyclesNo motor vehicles

57 images
141142143144Advisory Speed 55 km-hAll Traffic Must Turn LeftAll Traffic Must Turn RightAlternative Railway Crossing Position in an Area That Can Be Easily SeemAnimal Crossing AheadApproach to IntersectionApproach to Intersection Merging Traffic -Left-Approach to Intersection Merging Traffic -Right-Approach to Intersection Side Road -Left-Approach to Intersection Side Road -Right-Be Aware and Stop for Children Crossing AheadBe Aware and Stop for Person with Disabilities AheadBe Aware of Pedestrian CrossingBe Aware of Person with Disabilities -PWD- CrossingBe Aware of School Children CrossingBike Lane

4364 images
7588299092Ahead onlyAutotoll boothAutotoll traffic laneBicycle/ tricycle route. No motor vehiclesEnd of an expresswayEnd of public light buses ʻno stoppingʼ restrictionGive way to traffic on major roadKeep left Keep rightLeft Direction in which the prohibition or restriction applies Light rail vehicles and trams onlyNo Pedestrians, pedestrian controlled vehicles, bicycles and tricyclesNo U-turnNo left-turn

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3243 images1 model

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