Related Objects of Interest: no parking , railway crossing , stop , no right turn , no left turn , parking , pedestrian crossing , give way , no horn , keep right
5902 images
All-Way TabBEGINS Tab Sign - Rb-84tBulk Item Set Out - FurnitureBus Shelter - Good conditionChevron AlignmentConstruction AheadCurveDistanceDo Not EnterGraffitiImproperly Oriented SignKeep RightLane EndsLeft Turn OnlyLow ClearanceLow Clearance AheadMaximum Speed LimitMile MarkerMovements Permitted LeftMovements Permitted Left Right
6519 images
Advisory Speed TabAll-Way TabBEGINS Tab Sign - Rb-84tBicycle Route MarkerBulk Item Set Out - FurnitureBumpBump AheadBus Shelter - Good conditionCheckerboard Both DirectionsCheckerboard One DirectionChevron AlignmentCommunity Safety ZoneCommunity Safety Zone Fines IncreasedConstruction AheadContraflow Bicycle LaneCurveDeer CrossingDetour DesignationDistanceDo Not Enter
6519 images
jsonAdvisory Speed TabAll-Way TabBEGINS Tab Sign - Rb-84tBicycle Route MarkerBulk Item Set Out - FurnitureBumpBump AheadBus Shelter - Good conditionCheckerboard Both DirectionsCheckerboard One DirectionChevron AlignmentCommunity Safety ZoneCommunity Safety Zone Fines IncreasedConstruction AheadContraflow Bicycle LaneCurveDeer CrossingDetour DesignationDistance
248 images2 models
5902 images
All-Way TabBEGINS Tab Sign - Rb-84tBulk Item Set Out - FurnitureBus Shelter - Good conditionChevron AlignmentConstruction AheadCurveDistanceDo Not EnterGraffitiImproperly Oriented SignKeep RightLane EndsLeft Turn OnlyLow ClearanceLow Clearance AheadMaximum Speed LimitMile MarkerMovements Permitted LeftMovements Permitted Left Right
5881 images
All-Way TabBEGINS Tab Sign - Rb-84tBulk Item Set Out - FurnitureBus Shelter - Good conditionChevron AlignmentConstruction AheadCurveDistanceDo Not EnterGraffitiImproperly Oriented SignKeep RightLane EndsLeft Turn OnlyLow ClearanceLow Clearance AheadMaximum Speed LimitMile MarkerMovements Permitted LeftMovements Permitted Left Right
5858 images
All-Way TabBEGINS Tab Sign - Rb-84tBulk Item Set Out - FurnitureBus Shelter - Good conditionChevron AlignmentConstruction AheadCurveDistanceDo Not EnterGraffitiImproperly Oriented SignKeep RightLane EndsLeft Turn OnlyLow ClearanceLow Clearance AheadMaximum Speed LimitMile MarkerMovements Permitted LeftMovements Permitted Left Right
2362 images
BEGINS Tab Sign - Rb-84tBus Shelter - Good conditionChevron AlignmentDo Not EnterGraffitiKeep RightLeft Turn OnlyMaximum Speed LimitMile MarkerMovements Permitted ThroughNo Left TurnNo ParkingNo StoppingNo Stopping With Days and TimesObject Marker - Wa-33LObject Marker - Wa-33LRObject Marker - Wa-33ROne WayPedestrian CrossingRailway Crossing Ahead
8775 images1 model
100m from concealed level crossing2 lane usage and direction overview200m from concealed level crossing3 lane usage and direction overview300m from concealed level crossingAhead onlyBegin of a residential areaBegin of a zone with speed limit 30Begin of a zone with speed limit 40Begin of expresswayBegin of zone where parking is prohibitedBicycleBus StopBuses prohibitedCamping site aheadCars not allowed - prohibitedCattle crossingCaution, cyclists aheadChildren crossing the roadCircular mirror
5902 images
All-Way TabBEGINS Tab Sign - Rb-84tBulk Item Set Out - FurnitureBus Shelter - Good conditionChevron AlignmentConstruction AheadCurveDistanceDo Not EnterGraffitiImproperly Oriented SignKeep RightLane EndsLeft Turn OnlyLow ClearanceLow Clearance AheadMaximum Speed LimitMile MarkerMovements Permitted LeftMovements Permitted Left Right
60 images1 model
Bad road surfaceCattle on the road.ChildrenChildren WalkingCrossing for pedestriansCrossroad side roads on the left and rightCrossroad with a side road on the leftCrossroad with side road on the right.Curve to the rightDanger with no specific traffic sign.Deer on the road or unsafe for animalDip in the roadDouble CurveFalling rocksGive awayGive wayLimited heightLoose chippings on the road surfaceLow-flying aircrafts.Narrowing on the left
2204 images
no entryno parkingparkingpedestrian crossingstopT junction aheadauto parkingbus stopchildern cross aheadchildern crossingchildern crossing aheadchildren crossingchildren crossing aheadcross road aheadcross roads aheadcrossroad aheaddouble bend left aheaddouble bend right aheaddouble bend to left aheaddouble bend to right ahead
393 images
169 images1 model
dangerno entry234Cyclist_passingDANGEROUS_DIPDanger in the waterDomestic_animals_crossingDownslopeEnter the main road from the leftEnter the main road from the rightFALLING ROCKSFirst left turnFirst right turnHUMP OR ROUGH ROADIntersection of road and railway without barricades installed in 300 metersIntersection of the city train routeIntersection with the railwayLEFT_HAND_CURVE
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1192 images1 model
Bus StoprotationBus only LanerotationChevron MarkersrotationChildren present- crossing AheadrotationCompulsory RoundaboutrotationCompulsory Roundaboutrotation\Cross Roads AheadrotationCycle Lane AheadrotationCycle only LanerotationDirectional Sign (EXPRESS WAY)rotationDirectional Sign (NORMAL)rotationDirectional Sign (NORMAL)rotation\Double bend aheadEnd of ExpresswayrotationEntrance to an ExpresswayrotationGive Way AheadrotationGive Way to vehicles on the adjacent roadrotationHeight LimitrotationL Merges AheadrotationLeft Bend Ahead
1368 images
6007 images1 model
9900 images1 model
bicyclecrosswalkparkingstoptruckwarning-Road narrows on right50 mph speed limitAttention Please-Beware of childrenBridge AheadCYCLE ROUTE AHEAD WARNINGCross RoadsDangerous Left Curve AheadDangerous Rright Curve AheadEnd of all speed and passing limitsGive WayGive Way- YeildGo Straight Or LeftGo Straight Or Right
2988 images
42 images
"Gravel discharge" on a white backgroundA dangerous turnApproaching the railway crossingCattle driveChildrenChildren on a yellow backgroundDrawbridgeFalling stonesIntersection of equivalent roadsIntersection with a bike pathIntersection with the tram lineLow-flying aircraftMulti-track railwayNarrowing of the roadNarrowing of the road on the leftNarrowing of the road on the right\Pedestrian crossingPedestrian crossing on a yellow backgroundRailway crossing with a barrierRailway crossing without a barrier
577 images
57 images
141142143144Advisory Speed 55 km-hAll Traffic Must Turn LeftAll Traffic Must Turn RightAlternative Railway Crossing Position in an Area That Can Be Easily SeemAnimal Crossing AheadApproach to IntersectionApproach to Intersection Merging Traffic -Left-Approach to Intersection Merging Traffic -Right-Approach to Intersection Side Road -Left-Approach to Intersection Side Road -Right-Be Aware and Stop for Children Crossing AheadBe Aware and Stop for Person with Disabilities AheadBe Aware of Pedestrian CrossingBe Aware of Person with Disabilities -PWD- CrossingBe Aware of School Children CrossingBike Lane