Csir Project Computer Vision Project
Updated 6 months ago
Classes (218)
Bus stop
E rickshaw stand
Informatory of No parking
Left turn Prohibited
Narrow road ahead
No Parking No Standing
No Stoping No Standing
No heavy vehicles
No horn
No parking One Way
Overtaking Prohibited
Parking not allowed on footpath
Parking not allowed on ha;f of the footpath
Speed 30
T intersection
T intersection major road ahead
Turn Left
Turn Left Prohibited
Turn Right
Turn Right Prohibited
U Turn Prohibited
U turn ahead
Width Limits
Y Intersection
accident area
accidient area
ahead and left turn
ahead and right turn
airport aisan highway road mark
auto rickshaw stand
axis load limit
bick stand
bike prohibited
blind people on road ahead
both side raod
build up area
bullock cart prohibited
bumped road
bus lane
bus only
bus prohibited
bus stop
camp site
car prohibited
chair lift
charging station
compulsory ahead
compulsory turn left
compulsory turn right
country border
crash pornw area
cross road
cross road on left curve
cross road on right curve
cycle crossing
cycle only
cycle prohibited
cycle rickshaw stand
cycle route ahead
danger dangerous dip
deaf people like on road ahead
degree loop
dual carriageway
eating place
emergency exit
emergency lay by
emergency sos
end of dual carriageway
express way raod mark
expressway symbol
falling rock
ferry fire extingusiher
first aid post
foot overbridge
fule pump
gap in median
give way
go slow
golf course
hands carts prohibited
height limit
height prohibited
hight limit
home zone
horns prohibited
industrial area
informatory bus bay
intersection on left curve
intersection on right curve
junction ahead
keep left
keep right
keep straight
keep stright
lane close
lane join with major road
left hairpin bend
left hand curve
left lane reduce
left reverse bend
left side lane
left side road on left curve
left side road on right curve
lenght limits
length limit
light refreshment
load limits
losse gravel
low flying aircraft
major road ahead
merging traffic Ahead
merging traffic Ahead from right
merging traffic ahead from left side
merging traffic ahead from right side
metro station
mini roundabout
narrow bridge ahead
narrow road ahead
national heritage
national highway information
national highway roadmark
no entry no horn
no through road
open of swing bridge
overhead cable
overhead cables
parking area
pass either sideb
pedistrain crossing
pedistrain only
pedistrain prohibited
pedistrain subway
people at work
petrol pump
playground ahead
police station
prohibited to vehicles from the opposite direction
quay side
queues likely ahead
railway station- Metro station
repair facility
resting place
right hairpin bend
right hand curve
right lane reduce
right reverse bend
right side lane
right side road on left curve
right side road on right curve
road widen
rough road
roundabout rumble street
school ahead
series of bend
side road left
side road on right
side road right
sleep ascent
sleep descent
slippery road slippery road due to ice
soft verges
sound horn allowed
speed braker
speed breaker
speed limit 20
speed limit 25
speed limit 30
speed limit 40
speed limit 45
speed limit 50
speed limit 60
speed limit 80
staggered Intersection
state highway roadmark
stop stop police check
sudden side wind
symbol icon and direction sign
taffic light taxi stand
toilet toll gate information
toll plaza information sign
toll road ahead
toned car prohibited
towing zone
traffic diversion on dual carriageway
traffic light trams crossing
trucks Prohibited
tunnel ahead
turn prohibited
two way operations
two way traffic on crossroad ahead
wheel chair slide
wild animals crossing
wild crossing
yield Metrics
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Cite This Project
CC BY 4.0 If you use this dataset in a research paper, please cite it using the following BibTeX:
title = { Csir Project Dataset },
type = { Open Source Dataset },
author = { CSIR },
howpublished = { \url{ https://universe.roboflow.com/csir-gzns5/csir-project } },
url = { https://universe.roboflow.com/csir-gzns5/csir-project },
journal = { Roboflow Universe },
publisher = { Roboflow },
year = { 2024 },
month = { jul },
note = { visited on 2025-01-07 },