Related Objects of Interest: stop , speedlimit25 , speedlimit35 , pedestriancrossing , signalahead , no entry , keepright , merge , yieldahead , roundabout
Top Yield Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for yield detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the yield datasets below.

4300 images
stopAhead onlyBeaware of icesnowBumpy roadChildren CrossingDangerous curve leftDangerous curve rightDouble curveEnd Speed - Passing limitsEnd no passing veh 3-5 tonsEnd of no passingGeneral cautionGo Stright or LeftGo Stright or RightKeep LeftKeep RightNo entryNo passingNo passing veh over 3-5 tonsNo vechiels

619 images1 model
bikebuscarcyclehumanmotorcyclepersonridercross walkinformation-pedestrians-crossing-g1regulatory-give-way-to-oncoming-traffic-g1regulatory-go-straight-g1regulatory-go-straight-or-turn-left-g1regulatory-go-straight-or-turn-right-g1regulatory-keep-left-g1regulatory-keep-right-g1regulatory-maximum-speed-limit-10-g1regulatory-maximum-speed-limit-100-g1regulatory-maximum-speed-limit-120-g1regulatory-maximum-speed-limit-15-g1

1910 images
* annotate, and create datasets* export, train, and deploy computer vision models* understand and search unstructured image data==============================BerhentiENtry - v1 2022-02-24 11:31amRoad-SignsRoboflow is an end-to-end computer vision platform that helps youSpeed Limit 30Speed Limit 40This dataset was exported via roboflow.com on September 1, 2024 at 6:13 AM GMTYield - v1 2022-08-09 1:12pmcars - v13 2024-08-08 2:32am

1308 images1 model
Ahead onlyBeware of ice/snowBicycles crossingBumpy roadChildren crossingDangerous curve to the leftDangerous curve to the rightDouble curveEnd of all speed and passing limitsEnd of no passingEnd of no passing by vehicles over 3.5 metric tonsEnd of speed limit (80km/h)General cautionGo straight or leftGo straight or rightKeep leftKeep rightNo entryNo passingNo passing for vehicles over 3.5 metric tons

4706 images

1970 images1 model
ChildrenCurve leftCurve rightCyclesDangerDo not enterDouble curveEnd of all restrictionsEnd of no passingEnd of no passing for 3 tons vehicleEnd of speed limit 80kmLeft aheadNo passingNo passing for vehicle over 3 tonsNo vehiclesNo vehicles over 3 tonsOne sided roadPass on the leftPass on the rightPedestrian crosswalk

2478 images1 model
ChildrenCurve leftCyclesDangerDo not enterDouble curveEnd of all restrictionsEnd of no passingEnd of no passing for 3 tons vehicleEnd of speed limit 80kmNo passingNo passing for vehicle over 3 tonsNo vehiclesNo vehicles over 3 tonsOne sided roadPass on the rightPedestriansPriorityPriority roadRight ahead

2049 images

1880 images
Ahead onlyAhead-onlyBeware of ice/snowBeware-of-ice/snowBicycles crossingBicycles-crossingBumpy roadBumpy-roadChildren crossingChildren-crossingDangerous curve to the leftDangerous curve to the rightDangerous-curve-to-the-leftDangerous-curve-to-the-rightDouble curveDouble-curveEnd of all speed and passing limitsEnd of no passingEnd-of-all-speed-and-passing-limitsEnd-of-no-passing

1822 images