Related Objects of Interest: stop , speed limit 30 , give way , no stopping , speed limit (60) , speed limit (100) , pedestrian crossing , speed limit (40) , speed limit (80) , speed limit 50
Top 30 Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for 30 detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the 30 datasets below.

300 images
Barrier AheadCattleCycle CrossingParking Lot CarsParking Lot CycleParking Lot Scooter and MotorCyclePedestrian CrossingPedestrian ProhibitedPetrol Pump/ Gas StationPublic TelephoneResting PlaceRight Hair Pin BendRight Hand CurveRight Reverse BendRoad Wideness AheadRound AboutSchool AheadSlippery RoadSpeed Limit (10)Speed Limit (100)

614 images1 model
Speed Limit (100)Speed Limit (110)Speed Limit (120)Speed Limit (130)Speed Limit (140)Speed Limit (150)Speed Limit (35)Speed Limit (50)Speed Limit (55)Speed Limit (60)Speed Limit (65)Speed Limit (70)Speed Limit (75)Speed Limit (80)Speed Limit (90)Speed Limit 30Speed Limit Expire(40)Speed Limit Expire(50)Speed Min (100)Speed Min (110)

4320 images1 model

600 images
elephantfoxmonkeypigtiger* Auto-orientation of pixel data (with EXIF-orientation stripping)* Resize to 640x640 (Stretch)* annotate, and create datasets* collaborate with your team on computer vision projects* collect & organize images* export, train, and deploy computer vision models* understand and search unstructured image data* use active learning to improve your dataset over time19202122232425

2312 images2 models
roundaboutBumpCar breakingChildrenCrosswindsCurveCyclist crossingCyclistsDipDomestic animalsEnd of all previously signed restrictionsEnd of no overtakingEnd of no overtaking by heavy goods vehiclesEnd of no parking zoneEnd of priority roadEnd of speed limit 30End of speed limit zone 30Entering cityExiting cityFalling rocks

186 images
Men at WorkNo StoppingStopannonce feux tricoloreschaussee glissantechaussee retreciedebouche de cyclistesdebouche sur un quaidescente dangereuseendroit frequente par les enfantshopitallimitation de vitesse 10limitation de vitesse 100limitation de vitesse 110limitation de vitesse 20limitation de vitesse 30limitation de vitesse 50limitation de vitesse 70limitation de vitesse 90passage d animaux

258 images
stopannonce feux tricoloresarret et stationnement interditchaussee glissantedebouche de cyclistesdebouche sur un quaidescente dangereuseendroit frequente par les enfantslimitation de vitesse 10limitation de vitesse 100limitation de vitesse 110limitation de vitesse 20limitation de vitesse 30limitation de vitesse 50limitation de vitesse 70limitation de vitesse 90men at workpassage d animauxpassage pour pietonspremier virage a droite

257 images1 model
stopannonce feux tricoloresarret et stationnement interditchaussee glissantedebouche de cyclistesdebouche sur un quaidescente dangereuseendroit frequente par les enfantslimitation de vitesse 10limitation de vitesse 100limitation de vitesse 110limitation de vitesse 20limitation de vitesse 30limitation de vitesse 50limitation de vitesse 70limitation de vitesse 90men at workpassage d animauxpassage pour pietonspremier virage a droite

7847 images
- Auto-contrast via contrast stretching- Auto-orientation of pixel data (with EXIF-orientation stripping)- Random brigthness adjustment of between -25 and +25 percent- Random exposure adjustment of between -25 and +25 percent- Resize to 640x640 (Stretch)- Salt and pepper noise was applied to 7 percent of pixels- collaborate with your team on computer vision projects- understand and search unstructured image data- use active learning to improve your dataset over time2324252627282930313233

728 images1 model

163 images1 model

4767 images2 models