Related Objects of Interest: traffic light , car , person , truck , bus , bicycle , motorcycle , train , umbrella , carrot
Top Traffic Light Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for traffic light detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the traffic light datasets below.

9896 images
bikebuscarmotorpersonridertraffic lighttraffic signtraintruckcar_aheadcross walkinformation--pedestrians-crossing--g1not_relevant greennot_relevant rednot_relevant yellowregulatory--give-way-to-oncoming-traffic--g1regulatory--go-straight--g1regulatory--go-straight-or-turn-left--g1regulatory--go-straight-or-turn-right--g1

2312 images2 models
roundaboutBumpCar breakingChildrenCrosswindsCurveCyclist crossingCyclistsDipDomestic animalsEnd of all previously signed restrictionsEnd of no overtakingEnd of no overtaking by heavy goods vehiclesEnd of no parking zoneEnd of priority roadEnd of speed limit 30End of speed limit zone 30Entering cityExiting cityFalling rocks

1966 images
bicyclebuildingdebrisdustbinmotorcyclescooterskateboardstop signtraffic lighttrailertreeumbrella100kph speed limit100kph speed limit sign40kph speed limit for trucks and buses sign40kph speed limit sign50kph speed limit sign50mph speed limit sign60kph speed limit sign70kph speed limit for all other vehicles sign

4320 images1 model