Related Objects of Interest: stop , no parking , no entry , pedestrian crossing , give way , no right turn , roundabout , car , truck , no left turn
Top No Parking Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for no parking detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the no parking datasets below.

106 images

7770 images
0verhead electrical cablesBicycle banBus StopCars banCompulsary aheadCompulsory keep leftCompulsory keep rightContainers banDangerous TurnLeft TurnMotobike banMotobike ban1Motorcycles OnlyNo Passenger Cars and TrucksNo Two or Three-wheeled VehiclesNo U-Turn and No turn rightNo U-turnNo U-turn No turn leftNo car turn leftNo car turn right

954 images1 model

1763 images
2Beware of Ice or snowCrooked road aheadCycle movementDeer movementEnd of 80 km speed limit obligationsEnd of obligationsEnd of overtaking by lorriesEnd of overtaking by lorries obligationsEnd of overtaking obligationsGo Left LaneLeft turnMaximum speed 100 kmMaximum speed 120 kmMaximum speed 20 kmMaximum speed 30 kmMaximum speed 50 kmMaximum speed 60 kmMaximum speed 70 kmMaximum speed 80 km

1563 images1 model
30km_h Hiz Limiti (Speed limit)4_80 m den Yuksek Arac giremez (Vehicle higher than 4_80 m cannot enter)50km_h Hiz Limiti (Speed limit)60km_h Hiz Limiti (Speed limit)70km_h Hiz Limiti (Speed limit)90km_h Hiz Limiti (Speed limit)Bir Sonraki Kavsakta Gecis Hakki (Right-of-way at the next intersection)Buzlanma (Beware of ice-snow)Dur (Stop)Duraklamak ve Parketmek Yasaktir (No, stoping and parking)Duz veya Saga Gidis (Go straight or right)Duz veya Sola Gidis (Go straight or left)EDSEgimli Yol (Slop)Ehli Hayvan Gecebilir (Animal crossing)Engebeli Yol (Bumpy road)Gecis Sonu (End of no passing)Gecis Yasagi (No passing)Gecis Yasagi Sonu (End of no passing)Genel Uyari (General caution)

68 images
3Bus Parking HereCCTVCCTV AheadCompany Name ListingCrossRoadDestination Information SignIntersection AheadEntry Exit of Construction VehicleKeep right sideLeft Lane Green LightLeft Lane Red LightLeft Lane Yellow LightMaximum weight 49 TonMaximum weight per axle 14 TonNo Honking during Changing LaneOverbridge Height 5 FeetSpeed Limit 60Straight Lane Green LightStrictly Prohibited to Block Left Main LaneTraffic Green Light

660 images2 models
roundaboutBumpChildrenCrosswindsCurveCyclistsDipDomestic animalsEnd of all previously signed restrictionsEnd of no overtakingEnd of no overtaking by heavy goods vehiclesEnd of priority roadEnd of speed limit 30End of speed limit zone 30Falling rocksFogGive wayGive way to oncoming trafficGreen lightHeight limit 3-5m

1368 images

3243 images1 model

6007 images1 model

332 images

165 images

9900 images1 model
bicyclecrosswalkparkingstoptruckwarning-Road narrows on right50 mph speed limitAttention Please-Beware of childrenBridge AheadCYCLE ROUTE AHEAD WARNINGCross RoadsDangerous Left Curve AheadDangerous Rright Curve AheadEnd of all speed and passing limitsGive WayGive Way- YeildGo Straight Or LeftGo Straight Or Right

1598 images

83 images

1250 images
30km_h Hiz Limiti (Speed limit)4_80 m den Yuksek Arac giremez (Vehicle higher than 4_80 m cannot enter)50km_h Hiz Limiti (Speed limit)60km_h Hiz Limiti (Speed limit)70km_h Hiz Limiti (Speed limit)90km_h Hiz Limiti (Speed limit)Bir Sonraki Kavsakta Gecis Hakki (Right-of-way at the next intersection)Buzlanma (Beware of ice-snow)Dur (Stop)Duraklamak ve Parketmek Yasaktir (No, stoping and parking)Duz veya Saga Gidis (Go straight or right)Duz veya Sola Gidis (Go straight or left)EDSEgimli Yol (Slop)Ehli Hayvan Gecebilir (Animal crossing)Engebeli Yol (Bumpy road)Gecis Yasagi (No passing)Gecis Yasagi Sonu (End of no passing)Genel Uyari (General caution)Gevsek Malzemeli Yol (Loose Material Road)