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128.5 ], [ 890, 128.5 ], [ 913, 122.5 ], [ 938, 118.5 ], [ 951, 113.5 ], [ 957, 113.5 ], [ 981, 137.5 ], [ 986, 138.5 ], [ 992, 135.5 ], [ 997, 135.5 ], [ 1003, 138.5 ], [ 1011, 138.5 ], [ 1023, 142.5 ], [ 1045, 144.5 ], [ 1058, 149.5 ], [ 1066.5, 158 ], [ 1076.5, 182 ], [ 1080.5, 199 ], [ 1084.5, 244 ], [ 1087, 254.5 ], [ 1099, 256.5 ], [ 1148, 255.5 ], [ 1154.5, 251 ], [ 1160.5, 239 ], [ 1167, 234.5 ], [ 1187, 231.5 ], [ 1198, 231.5 ], [ 1199.5, 233 ], [ 1199, 526.5 ] ] }, { "type": "polygon", "label": "worker", "x": 893, "y": 268.5, "width": 91, "height": 138, "points": [ [ 875, 337.5 ], [ 866, 337.5 ], [ 847.5, 333 ], [ 857, 331.5 ], [ 869.5, 321 ], [ 876.5, 308 ], [ 884.5, 286 ], [ 889, 280.5 ], [ 895.5, 277 ], [ 895.5, 273 ], [ 887.5, 267 ], [ 886.5, 263 ], [ 891, 258.5 ], [ 899, 258.5 ], [ 905.5, 244 ], [ 911.5, 240 ], [ 910.5, 235 ], [ 905, 232.5 ], [ 902.5, 227 ], [ 903.5, 213 ], [ 906.5, 204 ], [ 916, 199.5 ], [ 926, 201.5 ], [ 929.5, 206 ], [ 931.5, 213 ], [ 931.5, 220 ], [ 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