Infrared Robot Human Collaboration Computer Vision Project
Sinan Sueme
Updated 7 months ago
This data was generated and published in the following article. If you use this dataset you can cite this article in your publication:
@article{sume_a13_2024, title = {A1.3 - {Differentiation} of {Human} and {Robots} with {Thermal} {Images} and {Convolutional} {Neural} {Network} for {Human}-{Robot} {Collaboration}}, url = {}, doi = {10.5162/sensoren2024/A1.3}, language = {en-US}, urldate = {2024-08-27}, journal = {Vorträge}, author = {Süme, S. and Ponomarjova, K.-M. and Wendt, T. M. and Rupitsch, S. J.}, month = jun, year = {2024}, pages = {32--36}, }
Cite This Project
CC BY 4.0 If you use this dataset in a research paper, please cite it using the following BibTeX:
title = { Infrared Robot Human Collaboration Dataset },
type = { Open Source Dataset },
author = { Sinan Sueme },
howpublished = { \url{ } },
url = { },
journal = { Roboflow Universe },
publisher = { Roboflow },
year = { 2024 },
month = { aug },
note = { visited on 2025-03-08 },