Related Objects of Interest: larva , adult , egg , caterpillar , butterfly , dead , normal , larvae , pre-pupa , beetle
1 - 50 of 500k+
Top Pupa Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for pupa detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the pupa datasets below.

176 images
Pupa of Etiella zinckenellaeggs of Clavigralla horrenseggs of Coptosoma cribrariaeggs of Etiella zinckenellaeggs of Eublemma dimidialiseggs of Helicoverpa armigeraeggs of Lampides boeticuseggs of Maruca vitrataeggs of Nezara viridulaeggs of Riptortus pedestrispupa of Eublemma dimidialispupa of Helicoverpa armigerapupa of Lampides boeticuspupa of Maruca vitratasymtoms of pod borersymtoms of pod bugs

530 images
ARGAS PERSICUS F-DAedes boraboraAedes borabora pupeAedes mariae femelleAedes vittatusAm-cohaerens fAm-cohaerens-f-dorsalAm-cohaerens-m-ddorsalAm-gemma-m-ddorsalAm-gemma-m2-dorsalAm-lepidum-f-dorsalAm-lepidum-f1-dorsalAm-lepidum-f2-dorsalAm-lepidum-m-dorsalAm-variegatum-F-dorsalAm-variegatum-f5-dorsalAm-variegatum-m-dorsalAm-variegatum-m3-dorsalAm-variegatum-m4-dorsalAmblyomma variegatum- ventral

669 images
==============================Looper caterpillar Feeding and Leaf Damage Stage 2Looper caterpillar Adult Moths Stage 5Red Slug Caterpillar Egg Stage 1Red Slug Caterpillar Pupa stage 3Tea leaf hopper Adult Stage 6Tea leaf hopper Feeding and Damage Stage 2This dataset was exported via roboflowThis dataset was exported via roboflow.com on January 30, 2024 at 10:00 AM GMTtealeafdisease - v2 2024-01-30 3:30pm

2540 images

596 images2 models
20210624_101941 (1)20210624_101941(0) (1)20210624_101942 (1)20210624_101943 (1)20210624_101944 (1)20210624_101945 (1)20210624_101946 (1)20210624_101946(0) (1)20210624_101948 (1)20210624_101948(0) (1)20210624_101949 (1)20210624_101955 (1)20210624_101956 (1)20210624_101957 (1)20210624_101959 (1)20210624_101959(0) (1)20210624_101959(1) (1)20210624_102002 (1)20210624_102005 (1)20210624_102005(0) (1)

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