Related Objects of Interest: no right turn , no left turn , pedestrian crossing , no honking , give way , stop , pedestrian crossing ahead , no entry , hospital , no parking
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2312 images2 models
roundaboutBumpCar breakingChildrenCrosswindsCurveCyclist crossingCyclistsDipDomestic animalsEnd of all previously signed restrictionsEnd of no overtakingEnd of no overtaking by heavy goods vehiclesEnd of no parking zoneEnd of priority roadEnd of speed limit 30End of speed limit zone 30Entering cityExiting cityFalling rocks

4320 images1 model

248 images2 models

68 images
3Bus Parking HereCCTVCCTV AheadCompany Name ListingCrossRoadDestination Information SignIntersection AheadEntry Exit of Construction VehicleKeep right sideLeft Lane Green LightLeft Lane Red LightLeft Lane Yellow LightMaximum weight 49 TonMaximum weight per axle 14 TonNo Honking during Changing LaneOverbridge Height 5 FeetSpeed Limit 60Straight Lane Green LightStrictly Prohibited to Block Left Main LaneTraffic Green Light

660 images2 models
roundaboutBumpChildrenCrosswindsCurveCyclistsDipDomestic animalsEnd of all previously signed restrictionsEnd of no overtakingEnd of no overtaking by heavy goods vehiclesEnd of priority roadEnd of speed limit 30End of speed limit zone 30Falling rocksFogGive wayGive way to oncoming trafficGreen lightHeight limit 3-5m

2124 images
roundaboutBumpCar breakingChildrenCrosswindsCurveCyclist crossingCyclistsDipDomestic animalsEnd of all previously signed restrictionsEnd of no overtakingEnd of no overtaking by heavy goods vehiclesEnd of no parking zoneEnd of priority roadEnd of speed limit 30End of speed limit zone 30Entering cityExiting cityFalling rocks

1238 images
110-Speed-Camera110-speed-limit20-speed-limit40-speed-limit60-Speed-Camera60-speed-limit80-Speed-Camera80-speed-limitDangerous-Left-Curve-AheadDangerous-Right-Curve-AheadGive-WayHump-AheadKeep-LeftKeep-RightLeft-OnlyNo entry for vehicles exceeding 12 tonNo-EntryNo-HonkingNo-Parking-Or-StandingNo-U-turn

820 images
Added lane aheadAnimals aheadBicycles onlyBridge out ahead with a temporary bridge on a detour on leftBridge out ahead with a temporary bridge on a detour on rightBuses onlyChildrenConstruction aheadConstruction vehicles aheadCrossroadsCurve to leftCurve to rightDipDivided road beginsDivided road endsDouble curve first to leftDouble curve first to rightFalling rocksGive wayGive way ahead
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