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Top Minor Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for minor detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the minor datasets below.
5.7k images 717 classes
Acacia Acanthus mollis Acer campestre Acer capillipes Acer cappadocicum Acer monspessulanum Acer negundo Acer opalus Acer palmatum Acer pensylvanicum Acer platanoides Acer pseudoplatanus Acer rubrum Acer saccharinum Achillea filipendulina Achillea millefolium Aconitum napellus Aconitum vulparia Adonis aestivalis Adoxa moschatellina
4.7k images 6 classes 1 model
5.7k images 15 classes 1 model
422 images 4 classes 3 models
2.3k images 17 classes 1 model
8.2k images 831 classes
'Acanthastrea-bowerbanki' 'Acanthastrea-brevis' 'Acanthastrea-echinata' 'Acanthastrea-faviaformis' 'Acanthastrea-hemprichii' 'Acanthastrea-hillae' 'Acanthastrea-ishigakiensis' 'Acanthastrea-lordhowensis' 'Acanthastrea-regularis' 'Acanthastrea-rotundoflora' 'Acanthastrea-subechinata' 'Acanthophyllia-deshayesiana' 'Acropora-abrolhosensis' 'Acropora-abrotanoides' 'Acropora-aculeus' 'Acropora-acuminata' 'Acropora-akajimensis' 'Acropora-anthocercis' 'Acropora-appressa' 'Acropora-arabensis'
5.6k images 4 classes 1 model
8.6k images 53 classes 2 models
Bittere Schleifenblume Iberis amara Gaensefingerkraut Potentilla anserina Kohlkratzdistel Cirisium oleraceum Waldstorchschnabel Geranium sylvaticum baerwurz meum athamanticum bittere schleifenblume iberis amara blutwurz potentilla erecta brennender hahnenfuss ranunculus flammula echtes labkraut ladys bedstraw galium verum feldhainsimse luzula campestris ferkelkraut hypochaeris radicata fingerkraut potantilla sp flockenblumen knapweeds centaurea sp floken gaensefingerkraut potentilla anserina gamanderehrenpreis veronica chamaedrys gemeine braunelle prunella vulgaris gewoehnlicher frauenmantel alchemilla vulgaris grosser sauerampfer rumex acetosa grosser wiesenknopf sanguisorba officinalis
3.6k images 4 classes 1 model
1.1k images 6 classes 2 models
2.4k images 32 classes
license plate 1 Explosives 1-1 Explosives Products with the potential to create a mass explosion 1-2 Explosives Products with the potential to create a projectile hazard 1-3 Explosives Products with the potential to create a fire or minor blast 1-4 Explosives Products with no significant risk of creating a blast 1-5 Explosives Products considered very insensitive that are used as blasting agents 1-6 Explosives Products considered extremely insensitive with no risk to create a mass explosion 2 Oxygen 2-1 Flammable gases 2-2 Nonflammable gases 2-3 Toxic gases 3 Combustible 3 Flammable 3 Flammable and combustible liquids 3 Flammable liquid 4-1 Flammable solids 4-2 Spontaneously combustible 4-3 Dangerous when wet 5-1 Oxidizing substances
2.4k images 32 classes
license plate 1 Explosives 1-1 Explosives Products with the potential to create a mass explosion 1-2 Explosives Products with the potential to create a projectile hazard 1-3 Explosives Products with the potential to create a fire or minor blast 1-4 Explosives Products with no significant risk of creating a blast 1-5 Explosives Products considered very insensitive that are used as blasting agents 1-6 Explosives Products considered extremely insensitive with no risk to create a mass explosion 2 Oxygen 2-1 Flammable gases 2-2 Nonflammable gases 2-3 Toxic gases 3 Combustible 3 Flammable 3 Flammable and combustible liquids 3 Flammable liquid 4-1 Flammable solids 4-2 Spontaneously combustible 4-3 Dangerous when wet 5-1 Oxidizing substances
1.6k images 5 classes
3.1k images 18 classes 2 models
4.6k images 4 classes
8k images 4 classes 1 model
2.8k images 7 classes 2 models
245 images 5 classes 1 model
8.8k images 22 classes
675 images 7 classes
2.3k images 5 classes
2.1k images 16 classes 1 model
745 images 22 classes
6.9k images 65 classes 1 model
5.5k images 13 classes 1 model
2.7k images 4 classes 2 models
5.3k images 8 classes 2 models
3.8k images 4 classes
401 images 22 classes
421 images 22 classes