Related Objects of Interest: live infestation , broken foxtail millet , fungal foxtail millet , good foxtail millet , raw foxtail millet , rice , tomato , broken urad dal , fungal infested urad dal , good urad dal
Top Millet Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for millet detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the millet datasets below.

1412 images1 model

709 images
AlmondAlmond Coconut MilkAlmond Egg BreadAlmond Flaxseed RotiAlmond Flour DosaBanana Stem PoriyalBeans Carrot PoriyalBeans PoriyalBlack TeaBoiled EggBottle Gourd PoriyalBrinjal FryBroad Beans PoriyalBroccoli Onion SauteCabbage PoriyalCapsicum SauteCauli Curd RiceCauli RiceCauli Tomato RiceCauliflower Broccoli Saute

590 images
0:Pasta with cheeseBeef stewed with potatoesBeef stroganoffBeetroot salad with rast oilBerry jelly (currant)Boiled pastaBoiled potatoes, cutBorschtBread from wheat flourBuckwheat porridgeBun with raisins or Baking p-nButterCabbage rolls with sauceCabbage saladCanned cucumbers without vinegarCarrot salad with vegetable oilCheese (in portions)Chicken pilafChopped chicken bitsCocoa drink with milk

5404 images
Akki RotiAloo Palak SabziAvocado Mint SoupBaby Corn ChillyBaingan SabziBasil HummusBeetroot Amla Pudina JuiceBeetroot PoriyalBesan TheplaBisi Bella BathBlack TeaBoiled CornBroken Wheat PorridgeButter ChickenCabbage Carrot PoriyalCabbage RollCapsicum And Aloo SabziCarrot Capsicum Mix SabziCarrot RotiCauliflower And Potato Sabzi

682 images
Broken Foxtail milletBroken Urad DalBroken Urad dalDiscolouredDiscoloured Urad DalDiscoloured Urad dalFungal Infected Urad DalFungal Infested Urad dalFungal infected Urad dalFungal infested Urad dalGood Urad DalGood Urad dalInfestedInfested Urad DalInfested Urad dalLive InfestationLive infestationcavitydiscoloredfungal infested fox tail

7449 images
ABBrokenBroken Foxtail MilletBroken Foxtail milletBroken Urad DalBroken Urad dalBroken foxtail milletDiscolorDiscolouredDiscoloured Urad DalDiscoloured Urad dalFFungalFungal Foxtail MilletFungal Infected Urad DalFungal Infested Urad dalFungal foxtail milletFungal infected Urad dalFungal infested Urad dal

7023 images
ABBrokenBroken Foxtail MilletBroken Foxtail milletBroken Urad DalBroken Urad dalBroken foxtail milletDiscolorDiscolouredDiscoloured Urad DalDiscoloured Urad dalFFungalFungal Foxtail MilletFungal Infected Urad DalFungal Infested Urad dalFungal foxtail milletFungal infected Urad dalFungal infested Urad dal

430 images
24 seven pop corn butter flavoured24 seven pop corn salted4700bc hawaiian barbeque cheese popcornacin spicy pudina flavours popcornact ii bliss caramel popcornact ii butter flavour popcornact ii butter pop cornact ii cheese bakesact ii cheese nachozact ii classic salted instant popcornact ii instant popcorn golden sizzleact ii instant popcorn simply saltedact ii jalapeno nachozact ii movie theatre butter flavour popcornact ii nacho tomatoact ii nachoz saltedact ii nachoz sizzling peri periact ii nachoz tomato crispy n crunchyact ii ready to eat popcorn sour cream n cheeseact ii ready to eat sweet and salty popcorn

6935 images
crabfoodice creamturtleAbaloneBean CurdBeef Seasoned with Soy SauceBeef stew with radishBeer duckBeijing Roast DuckBiscuitsBlack Fungus in Vinegar SauceBlack bone chicken soupBoiled Fish with Picked Cabbage and ChiliBoiled Shredded pork in chili oilBoiled chickenBorschBraised Fungus with pork sliceBraised Hairtail in Brown SauceBraised Pork with Vermicelli

536 images
Broken Foxtail milletBroken Urad DalBroken Urad dalDiscolouredDiscoloured Urad DalDiscoloured Urad dalFungal Infected Urad DalFungal Infested Urad dalFungal infected Urad dalFungal infested Urad dalGood Urad DalGood Urad dalGood fox tailInfestedInfested Urad DalInfested Urad dalLive InfestationLive infestationcavitydiscolored