Related Objects of Interest: give way , stop , no parking , pedestrian crossing , no stopping , horn prohibited , slippery road , right hand curve , speed limit 30 , right reverse bend
Top Give Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for give detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the give datasets below.

395 images

1428 images1 model

39 images
Advisory speed limit of 100 kphDanger aheadDo not drink and driveExit GoreFork road on left frontFork road on left rearFork road on right frontFork road on right rearGive priority to vehicles from opposite directionGo on SlowLow-flying aircraft (sign positioned on the right side of the road)No Left TurnNo Right TurnNo U TurnNo entry for vehicular trafficNo motorcyclesNo overtaking of multi-track vehiclesNo pedestriansParking areaPedestrian zone

1302 images1 model

250 images

1248 images

1869 images

6454 images1 model

6454 images1 model

122 images
signAnimalsAxle load limitBarrierBlind persons likely on road aheadBuilt-up areaBullock cart and hand cart prohibitedBullock cart prohibitedBumpChevronChildrenCompulsory aheadCompulsory ahead or turn leftCompulsory ahead or turn rightCompulsory cycle trackCompulsory keep leftCompulsory minimum speedCompulsory sound hornCompulsory turn leftCompulsory turn left ahead

820 images
Added lane aheadAnimals aheadBicycles onlyBridge out ahead with a temporary bridge on a detour on leftBridge out ahead with a temporary bridge on a detour on rightBuses onlyChildrenConstruction aheadConstruction vehicles aheadCrossroadsCurve to leftCurve to rightDipDivided road beginsDivided road endsDouble curve first to leftDouble curve first to rightFalling rocksGive wayGive way ahead

564 images

9885 images
Cross Roads AheadGive WayKeep LeftKeep RightNo EntryNo HornsNo ParkingNo U-TurnOnly One-Way TrafficParkingProceed StraightProceed Straight or Turn LeftProceed Straight or Turn RightRoad Bump AheadRoundabout AheadSide Road LeftSide Road RightStopTraffic from Left Merges AheadTraffic from Right Merges Ahead

9483 images1 model

5224 images1 model

9647 images1 model
Bicycle laneBumpsBumps aheadBus stopCamera operation zoneCaution construction works aheadCaution damaged roadsCaution drive slowlyCaution flagman aheadChevron (left)Chevron (right)ChildrenCow nearbyCrossroadCrossroad on the leftCrossroad on the rightCrosswind areaDanger AheadDetourfollow arrowDouble Bend to Left Ahead

3277 images
no entryno parkingpedestrian crossingroundaboutslippery roadstopall motor vehicle prohibitedaxle load limitcompulsary aheadcompulsary keep leftcompulsary keep rightcompulsary turn left aheadcompulsary turn right aheadcross roaddangerous dipfalling rocksgap in mediangive wayguarded level crossingheight limit

4472 images2 models
no entryno parkingpedestrian crossingroundaboutslippery roadstopall motor vehicle prohibitedall-motor-vehicles-prohibitedaxle load limitcompulsary aheadcompulsary keep leftcompulsary keep rightcompulsary turn left aheadcompulsary turn right aheadcross roaddangerous dipfalling rocksgap in mediangive wayguarded level crossing

2280 images
no entryno parkingpedestrian crossingroundaboutslippery roadstopall motor vehicle prohibitedaxle load limitcompulsary aheadcompulsary keep leftcompulsary keep rightcompulsary turn left aheadcompulsary turn right aheadcross roaddangerous dipfalling rocksgap in mediangive wayguarded level crossingheight limit

6451 images

334 images
no entryno parkingpedestrian crossingroundaboutslippery roadstopall motor vehicle prohibitedaxle load limitcompulsary aheadcompulsary keep leftcompulsary keep rightcompulsary turn left aheadcompulsary turn right aheadcross roaddangerous dipfalling rocksgap in mediangive wayguarded level crossingheight limit

1364 images
Barrier AheadCycle CrossingGive WayHorn ProhibitedHospitalLeft Hair Pin BendLeft hand curveMen at WorkNo ParkingNo StoppingParking Lot CarsParking Lot CyclePedestrian CrossingPedestrian ProhibitedPetrol Pump- Gas StationRight Hair Pin BendRight Hand CurveRight Reverse BendRoad Wideness AheadSchool Ahead

665 images
no entryno parkingpedestrian crossingroundaboutslippery roadstopall motor vehicle prohibitedaxle load limitcompulsary aheadcompulsary keep leftcompulsary keep rightcompulsary turn left aheadcompulsary turn right aheadcross roaddangerous dipfalling rocksgap in mediangive wayguarded level crossingheight limit

142 images1 model
Ahead onlyAutotoll boothAutotoll traffic laneBicycle / tricycle routeCross-harbour taxi stand, used with Sign 82Cycling restriction - cyclists must dismount and push their cyclesEnd of New Territories taxis operating areaEnd of an expresswayEnd of bus laneEnd of cycling restrictionEnd of the prohibition, restriction or warningEnd of ʻno stoppingʼ restrictionGive way to traffic on major roadGreen minibus standKeep leftKeep rightLantau taxi stand, used with Sign 82Left lane shows bus lane for franchised and other buses during the time shownLeft lane shows bus lane for franchised buses only during the time shownLength over which the prohibition or hazard exists

4354 images1 model
no entryno parkingpedestrian crossingroundaboutslippery roadstoptraffic signalall motor vehicle prohibitedaxle load limitbullock cart and hand cart prohibitedcattle aheadchevron directioncompulsary aheadcompulsary ahead or turn leftcompulsary ahead or turn rightcompulsary keep leftcompulsary keep rightcompulsary sound horncompulsary turn left aheadcompulsary turn right ahead

1575 images
Barrier AheadCycle CrossingGive WayHorn ProhibitedHospitalLeft Hair Pin BendLeft hand curveMen at WorkNo ParkingNo StoppingParking Lot CarsParking Lot CyclePedestrian CrossingPedestrian ProhibitedPetrol Pump/ Gas StationRight Hair Pin BendRight Hand CurveRight Reverse BendRoad Wideness AheadSchool Ahead

3520 images1 model
no entryno parkingpedestrian crossingroundaboutslippery roadstopall motor vehicle prohibitedaxle load limitcompulsary aheadcompulsary keep leftcompulsary keep rightcompulsary turn left aheadcompulsary turn right aheadcross roaddangerous dipfalling rocksgap in mediangive wayguarded level crossingheight limit