Top Self Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for self detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the self datasets below.

1927 images2 models

1001 images
Allis ForcepsArmy Navy RetractorArtery ForcepsBabcock ForcepsBackhaus Towel ClampBandage SciccorsCatheter TrayCheatle ForcepsCurved MayoCzerny RetractorDeaver RetractorDesjardin ForcepsDisscting Forceps (Plain)Disscting Forceps (tooth)Doyel Instestinal ForcepsDoyen Cross Action Towel ClampEye Intestinal ForcepsHrrington retractorJones Towel ClampKelly Retractor

9123 images

100 images1 model

31 images
Ball valveCheck valveConcentric reducerEccentric reducerElectrical converterFlange connectionFlange connection ball valveFlange connection butterfly valveFlange connection check valveFlange connection gate valveGlobe butterfly valveNormally closeNormally openOrifice flow meterPlug valvePneumatic ball valvePneumatic butterfly valvePneumatic control butterfly valvePneumatic control valveSelf-operated regulator

6257 images2 models
camerafacehumanlightpeople##ce euphoria##ce euphoria empowerment##ec competition##ec diligence euphoria##ec diligencephoria##ecurity competition##ecurity humility##enity diligence##enity diligence euphoria##igence euphoria##igence euphoria empowerment##sil comfort##sil diligence euphoria##sil insec diligence euphoria##sil serenity diligence euphoria