Top Tissue Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for tissue detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the tissue datasets below.
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AKV - Acrokeratosis verruciformisAbrasionAbrasion and-or friction burn of thigh without infectionAbscessAcanthosis nigricansAcneAcne keloidalisAcne urticataActinic KeratosisActinic granulomaAcute and chronic dermatitisAcute constitutional eczemaAcute dermatitisAcute vesicular dermatitisAcute-on-chronic dyshidrotic eczema of handsAdnexal neoplasmAgminate folliculitisAllergic Contact DermatitisAllergic contact dermatitis caused by allergenic hapten derived from plantAmyloidosis of skin
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Allis ForcepsArmy Navy RetractorArtery ForcepsBabcock ForcepsBackhaus Towel ClampBandage SciccorsCatheter TrayCheatle ForcepsCurved MayoCzerny RetractorDeaver RetractorDesjardin ForcepsDisscting Forceps (Plain)Disscting Forceps (tooth)Doyel Instestinal ForcepsDoyen Cross Action Towel ClampEye Intestinal ForcepsHrrington retractorJones Towel ClampKelly Retractor
5250 images2 models
Adipose TissueAngiosarcomaClear Cell SarcomaDense Connective TissueDermatofibrosarcoma ProtuberansDesmoplastic Small Round Cell TumorElastic Connective TissueElastofibromaEpithelioid SarcomaFibrocartilageFibroma (of Tendon Sheath)FibromatosisFibrosarcomaFibrous HistiocytomaGiant Cell Tumor (of Tendon Sheath)Heterotopic Ossification (Myositis Ossificans)Hyaline CartilageLeiomyosarcomaLipoblastomaLipoma
7800 images3 models
Adipose TissueAlveolar RhabdomyosarcomaAlveolar Soft Part SarcomaAngioleiomyomaAngiosarcomaClear Cell SarcomaDedifferentiated LiposarcomaDense Connective TissueDermatofibrosarcoma ProtuberansDesmoplastic Small Round Cell TumorElastic Connective TissueElastofibromaEmbryonal RhabdomyosarcomaEpithelioid HemangioendotheliomaEpithelioid SarcomaExtraskeletal Myxoid ChondrosarcomaFibrocartilageFibroma (of Tendon Sheath)FibromatosisFibrosarcoma
67 images1 model
CD 45 negetiveCD 99 negetiveCK 20 negativityCK 5/CK6 positivityCK 7 positivityChlamydial infectionCockleburrsCongo red stainElastic van Gieson stainFite acid-fast stainFouchet’s stainFreezing artefact of the tissueGrunwald Giemsa stained smearHer-2/neu immunostainLarge hole in the tissueMasson trichrome stainMethenamine silver stainMucus secreting endocervical columnar cellsNSE positivityOestrogen Receptor
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