Top Potato Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for potato detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the potato datasets below.
160 images 5 classes
1.8k images 24 classes 1 model
160 images 5 classes
9.6k images 88 classes 1 model
2.3k images 8 classes 2 models
1.3k images 8 classes
2.1k images 8 classes 1 model
4.2k images 20 classes 3 models
chilli antracnose chilli bacterial leaf spot chilli mosaic leaf virus eggplant cercospora leaf spot eggplant colorado potato beetle eggplant fruit rot eggplant fuit rot eggplant healthy fruit eggplant healthy leaf healthy chilli healthy chilli leaf potato alternaria solani leaf potato common scab fruit potato healthy fruit potato healthy leaf potato pythopthora infestans leaf tomato antracnose tomato bacterial spot tomato healthy tomato late blight leaf
7.2k images 44 classes 1 model
9k images 18 classes 1 model
2.9k images 20 classes 3 models
Corn Common Rust Corn Gray Leaf Spot Corn Healthy Corn Northern Leaf Blight Leaf-Disease Tomato Bacterial Spot Tomato Early Blight Tomato Late Blight Tomato Leaf Mold Tomato Yellow Curl Virus Wheat Brown Rust Wheat Yellow Rust potato early blight potato healthy potato late blight rice brown spot rice healthy rice leaf blast tomato healthy wheat healthy
6k images 8 classes 3 models
2.7k images 39 classes
5.6k images 25 classes 1 model
5.6k images 22 classes 1 model
5.9k images 8 classes 1 model