Related Objects of Interest: stop , no entry , give way , no parking , pedestrian crossing , no right turn , turn right , parking , turn left , no stopping

4354 images1 model
no entryno parkingpedestrian crossingroundaboutslippery roadstoptraffic signalall motor vehicle prohibitedaxle load limitbullock cart and hand cart prohibitedcattle aheadchevron directioncompulsary aheadcompulsary ahead or turn leftcompulsary ahead or turn rightcompulsary keep leftcompulsary keep rightcompulsary sound horncompulsary turn left aheadcompulsary turn right ahead

85 images1 model

4880 images1 model

1738 images3 models

81 images1 model
forkAuto not permittedBig truck not permittedCaution DisabledCaution animalsCaution childrenCaution cliffCaution falling rocksCaution road usersDangerDangerous Uphill GradeDangerous downhill gradeKeep leftKeep rightLane Ends Merge leftLane Ends Merge rightLow-lying roadMaximum speedMotocycle not permittedNarrow bridge ahead

9903 images1 model
bikebuscarmotorpersonridertraintruckcross walkinformation-pedestrians-crossing-g1not_relevant greennot_relevant rednot_relevant yellowregulatory-give-way-to-oncoming-traffic-g1regulatory-go-straight-g1regulatory-go-straight-or-turn-left-g1regulatory-go-straight-or-turn-right-g1regulatory-keep-left-g1regulatory-keep-right-g1regulatory-maximum-speed-limit-10-g1

9992 images1 model
no entryno parkingpedestrian crossingroundaboutslippery roadstoptraffic signalLane-Linesall motor vehicle prohibitedaxle load limitbullock cart and hand cart prohibitedcattle aheadchevron directioncompulsary aheadcompulsary ahead or turn leftcompulsary ahead or turn rightcompulsary keep leftcompulsary keep rightcompulsary sound horncompulsary turn left ahead

2399 images1 model
roundabout-Road narrows on rightAttention Please-Ban the left turnBeware of childrenCYCLE ROUTE AHEAD WARNINGCrosswalkDangerous Left Curve AheadDangerous Rright Curve AheadNo EntryNo_Over_TakingOne way roadSpeed bump aheadSpeed limitSpeed limit 10 KphSpeed limit 100 KphSpeed limit 120 KphSpeed limit 130 KphSpeed limit 20 KphSpeed limit 30 Kph

9900 images2 models

6454 images1 model

4472 images2 models
no entryno parkingpedestrian crossingroundaboutslippery roadstopall motor vehicle prohibitedall-motor-vehicles-prohibitedaxle load limitcompulsary aheadcompulsary keep leftcompulsary keep rightcompulsary turn left aheadcompulsary turn right aheadcross roaddangerous dipfalling rocksgap in mediangive wayguarded level crossing

7287 images1 model
bikebuscarmotorpersonridertraffic lighttraffic signtraintruckcross walkinformation--pedestrians-crossing--g1information-pedestrians-crossing-g1not_relevant rednot_relevant yellowregulatory--go-straight--g1regulatory--go-straight-or-turn-left--g1regulatory--go-straight-or-turn-right--g1regulatory--keep-left--g1regulatory--keep-right--g1

1428 images1 model

700 images1 model

1970 images1 model
ChildrenCurve leftCurve rightCyclesDangerDo not enterDouble curveEnd of all restrictionsEnd of no passingEnd of no passing for 3 tons vehicleEnd of speed limit 80kmLeft aheadNo passingNo passing for vehicle over 3 tonsNo vehiclesNo vehicles over 3 tonsOne sided roadPass on the leftPass on the rightPedestrian crosswalk

1342 images2 models

2610 images1 model
Bicycles crossingBicycles roadChildren crossingDanger AheadDangerous curve to the leftDangerous curve to the rightDont Go LeftDont Go Left or RightDont Go RightDont Go straightDont Go straight or RightDont Go straight or leftDont overtake from LeftGive WayGo LeftGo Left or rightGo RightGo left or straightGo right or straightGo straight

619 images1 model
bikebuscarcyclehumanmotorcyclepersonridercross walkinformation-pedestrians-crossing-g1regulatory-give-way-to-oncoming-traffic-g1regulatory-go-straight-g1regulatory-go-straight-or-turn-left-g1regulatory-go-straight-or-turn-right-g1regulatory-keep-left-g1regulatory-keep-right-g1regulatory-maximum-speed-limit-10-g1regulatory-maximum-speed-limit-100-g1regulatory-maximum-speed-limit-120-g1regulatory-maximum-speed-limit-15-g1

2476 images1 model
ChildrenCurve leftCyclesDangerDo not enterDouble curveEnd of all restrictionsEnd of no passingEnd of no passing for 3 tons vehicleEnd of speed limit 80kmNo passingNo passing for vehicle over 3 tonsNo vehiclesNo vehicles over 3 tonsOne sided roadPass on the rightPedestriansPriorityPriority roadRight ahead

6883 images2 models
greenno entryno parkingpedestrian crossingredroundaboutslippery roadstoptraffic signalyellowall motor vehicle prohibitedaxle load limitbullock cart and hand cart prohibitedcattle aheadchevron directioncompulsary aheadcompulsary ahead or turn leftcompulsary ahead or turn rightcompulsary keep leftcompulsary keep right

2476 images3 models
ChildrenCurve leftCyclesDangerDo not enterDouble curveEnd of all restrictionsEnd of no passingEnd of no passing for 3 tons vehicleEnd of speed limit 80kmNo passingNo passing for vehicle over 3 tonsNo vehiclesNo vehicles over 3 tonsOne sided roadPass on the rightPedestriansPriorityPriority roadRight ahead

44 images1 model
30 kmhrA Side Road Intersection Ahead on the RightA sharp left turn aheadA sharp right turn aheadAccident Prone ZoneBump or PotholeBus StopDangerous DipElderly or Disabled pedestrains may be crossing road aheadElephants Crossing SignGive Way For Ongoing TrafficLevel CrossingMen at WorkMove RightNarrow Bridge AheadNarrow RoadNo EntryNo Horn ZoneNo OvertakingNo Parking

1636 images1 model

253 images9 models
stop sign"Lane for Trucks and Buses"No Parking" sign"Pedestrian Area"Railway crossing sign"6Actual Clearance HeightBRT exclusive lan signBegin ExpresswayBoundary SignBumpy Road AheadChildren crossing signContinuous dangerous curvesCrossroadDangerous curveDangerous downhill slopeDirection of TrafficDirectional Road SignsDistance to the SignEnd of Tunnel

1795 images1 model
Compulsory LeftCompulsory RightGap in MedianGive wayHorn ProhibitedHump AheadLeft Hand CurveLeft Turn ProhibitedLevel CrossingNo EntryNo ParkingNo Stopping or ParkingOvertaking ProhibitedPedestrian CrossingRight Turn ProhibitedRight reverse bendRoad-Signs-detectionRoundaboutSchool AheadSide Road Right

2945 images4 models
Ahead onlyBeware of ice-snowBicycles crossingBumpy roadChildren crossingDangerous curve to the leftDangerous curve to the rightDouble curveEnd of all speed and passing limitsEnd of no passingEnd of no passing by vehicles over 3End of no passing by vehicles over 3.5 metric tonsEnd of speed limit -80 km-h-General cautionGo straight or leftGo straight or rightKeep leftKeep rightNo entryNo passing