Related Objects of Interest: stop , keep right , no entry , keep left , slippery road , no parking , parking , give way , go slow , go right
946 images 28 classes 1 model
946 images 28 classes
275 images 7 classes 1 model
506 images 43 classes 2 models
Ahead only Beware of ice-snow Bicycles crossing Bumpy road Children crossing Dangerous curve to the left Dangerous curve to the right Double curve End of all speed and passing limits End of no passing End of no passing by vehicles over 3-5 metric tons End of speed limit (80km-h) General caution Go straight or left Go straight or right Keep left Keep right No entry No passing No passing for vehicles over 3-5 metric tons
3.1k images 61 classes
Bicycles-crossing Children-crossing Compulsory-Sound-Horn Danger-Ahead Dangerous-curve-to-the-left Dangerous-curve-to-the-right Dont-Go-Left Dont-Go-Left-or-Right Dont-Go-Right Dont-Go-straight Dont-Go-straight-or-Right Dont-Go-straight-or-left Dont-overtake-from-Left Fences Give-Way Go-Left Go-Left-or-right Go-Right Go-left-or-straight Go-right-or-straight
2k images 43 classes 1 model
Ahead only Beware of ice/snow Bicycles Crossing Bumpy Road Children Crossing Double curve End of all speed and passing limits End of no passing End of no passing by vehicles over 3.5 metric tons End of speed limit (80km/h) General caution Go straight or left Go straight or right Keep left Keep right Left curve No entry No passing No passing for vehicles over 3.5 metric tons No vehicles
141 images 31 classes 1 model
2k images 7 classes 1 model
2.6k images 8 classes
960 images 19 classes
393 images 55 classes
225 images 33 classes
green light red light stop sign traffic light allow to go forward and turn left allow to turn left allow to turn right crossing line keep distance lane markings no enter no park no stop and park not allow turn left not allow turn right one way signal light speed limit 05 speed limit 10 speed limit 100
1.3k images 42 classes
1.5k images 43 classes 2 models
animals (danger) bend (danger) bend left (danger) bend right (danger) construction (danger) cycles crossing (danger) danger (danger) give way (other) go left (mandatory) go left or straight (mandatory) go right (mandatory) go right or straight (mandatory) go straight (mandatory) keep left (mandatory) keep right (mandatory) no entry (other) no overtaking (prohibitory) no overtaking (trucks) (prohibitory) no traffic both ways (prohibitory) no trucks (prohibitory)
1.9k images 23 classes
1.5k images 43 classes
animals (danger) bend (danger) bend left (danger) bend right (danger) construction (danger) cycles crossing (danger) danger (danger) give way (other) go left (mandatory) go left or straight (mandatory) go right (mandatory) go right or straight (mandatory) go straight (mandatory) keep left (mandatory) keep right (mandatory) no entry (other) no overtaking (prohibitory) no overtaking (trucks) (prohibitory) no traffic both ways (prohibitory) no trucks (prohibitory)
7.3k images 80 classes 1 model
bike bus car motor person rider traffic light traffic sign train truck cross walk information--pedestrians-crossing--g1 information-pedestrians-crossing-g1 not_relevant red not_relevant yellow regulatory--go-straight--g1 regulatory--go-straight-or-turn-left--g1 regulatory--go-straight-or-turn-right--g1 regulatory--keep-left--g1 regulatory--keep-right--g1
135 images 53 classes
2.7k images 120 classes 1 model
Agricultural Vehicles Area Reserved for Buses Axle Load Limit Bus Lane Bus Parking Area Bus Stop Bus Stop Ahead Buses Only Car Park Children Warning Combined Curves Left Cone Signs Cross Road On Priority Road Cross Walk Cross Winds Curve Chevron Cycle Route Ahead Cyclist Only Danger Plate Delineators
1.6k images 65 classes
1.2k images 19 classes
2.8k images 24 classes
896 images 28 classes
1.7k images 65 classes 1 model
6.2k images 61 classes 2 models
3.5k images 52 classes 7 models
84 images 41 classes
30km/h-Hız-Limiti-(Speed-limit) 4.80-m-den-Yüksek-Araç-giremez-(Vehicle-higher-than-4.80-m-cannot-enter) 50km/h-Hız-Limiti-(Speed-limit) 60km/h-Hız-Limiti-(Speed-limit) 70km/h-Hız-Limiti-(Speed-limit) 90km/h-Hız-Limiti-(Speed-limit) Bir-Sonraki-Kavşakta-Geçiş-Hakkı-(Right-of-way-at-the-next-intersection) Buzlanma-(Beware-of-ice/snow) Dur-(Stop) Duraklamak-ve-Parketmek-Yasaktır-(No-stopping-and-parking) Düz-veya-Sağa-Gidiş-(Go-straight-or-right) Düz-veya-Sola-Gidiş-(Go-straight-or-left) EDS Ehli-Hayvan-Geçebilir-(Animal-crossing) Engebeli-Yol-(Bumpy-road) Eğimli-Yol-(Slope) Genel-Uyarı-(General-caution) Gevşek-Malzemeli-Yol-(Loose-Material-Road) Gevşek-Yamaç-(Loose-Slope) Geçiş-Yasağı-(No-passing)
100 images 10 classes 1 model
Traffic-Light Traffic-Light Green Arrow Go Straight Traffic-Light Green Arrow Turn Left Traffic-Light Green Arrow Turn Right Traffic-Light Green Circle Traffic-Light Red Arrow Go Straight Traffic-Light Red Arrow Turn Left Traffic-Light Red Arrow Turn Right Traffic-Light Red Circle Traffic-Light Red Turn Left
332 images 45 classes
Ahead-only Beware-of-snow Bicycles-crossing Bumpy-road Children-crossing Dangerous-curve-left Dangerous-curve-right Double-curve End-no-passing-HTV End-of-no-passing End-of-speed-limit-80kmh End-speed-passing-limits General-caution Go-straight-or-left Go-straight-or-right HTV-vehicles-prohibited Keep-left Keep-right No-entry No-passing
682 images 18 classes 1 model
271 images 14 classes
Stop no-left-turn no-right-turn regulatory-go-straight regulatory-go-straight-or-turn-left regulatory-go-straight-or-turn-right regulatory-keep-left regulatory-keep-right regulatory-no-u-turn regulatory-roundabout regulatory-turn-left regulatory-turn-right regulatory-turn-right-or-left regulatory-yield
331 images 43 classes
165 images 46 classes
Ahead only Beware of ice/snow Bicyclescrossing Bumpy road Children crossing Dangerous curve left Dangerous curve right Double curve End no passing vehicle > 3 End no passing vehicle > 3.5 tons End of no passing End speed + passing limits General caution Go straight or left Go straight or right Keep left Keep right No entry No passing No passing veh over 3