Dae-Star Computer Vision Project
Updated 3 years ago
Here are a few use cases for this project:
Restricted Content Detection: Dae-Star could be used by e-commerce platforms or social media networks to automatically screen and filter any media content uploaded by users that contains any of the prohibited items.
Supply Chain Monitoring: Delivery and cargo companies could use Dae-Star to scan items during processing, ensuring they are compliant with shipping rules and regulations.
Airport Security: Dae-Star could be employed to help with screening baggage, identifying prohibited items to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of airport security.
Public Safety: Drone or CCTV cameras with Dae-Star could monitor public spaces for prohibited behavior and items, improving public safety.
Retail Inventory Tracking: Stores could use Dae-Star to identify and manage certain items in the inventory, ensuring that items that are not supposed to be on the shelves, are quickly removed.
Cite This Project
If you use this dataset in a research paper, please cite it using the following BibTeX:
@misc{ dae-star_dataset, title = { Dae-Star Dataset }, type = { Open Source Dataset }, author = { New Workspace }, howpublished = { \url{ https://universe.roboflow.com/new-workspace-30ek0/dae-star } }, url = { https://universe.roboflow.com/new-workspace-30ek0/dae-star }, journal = { Roboflow Universe }, publisher = { Roboflow }, year = { 2021 }, month = { oct }, note = { visited on 2025-03-07 }, }