Dataset Analytics
Generated on May 07, 2024 at 3:05 am.
Number of Images
Number of Annotations
Average Image Size
23.15 mp
Median Image Ratio
Class Balance
Overview of the number of annotations for each class in your dataset.
Add more images with this class to improve the model's ability to learn and predict it.
Under Represented
Add more images with this class to improve the model's ability to learn and predict it.
Under Represented
Add more images with this class to improve the model's ability to learn and predict it.
Under Represented
Add more images with this class to improve the model's ability to learn and predict it.
Under Represented
Add more images with this class to improve the model's ability to learn and predict it.
Under Represented
Add more images with this class to improve the model's ability to learn and predict it.
Under Represented
Add more images with this class to improve the model's ability to learn and predict it.
Under Represented
Add more images with this class to improve the model's ability to learn and predict it.
Under Represented
Add more images with this class to improve the model's ability to learn and predict it.
Under Represented
Add more images with this class to improve the model's ability to learn and predict it.
Under Represented
Add more images with this class to improve the model's ability to learn and predict it.
Under Represented
Add more images with this class to improve the model's ability to learn and predict it.
Under Represented
Add more images with this class to improve the model's ability to learn and predict it.
Under Represented
Add more images with this class to improve the model's ability to learn and predict it.
Under Represented
Add more images with this class to improve the model's ability to learn and predict it.
Under Represented
Add more images with this class to improve the model's ability to learn and predict it.
Under Represented
Add more images with this class to improve the model's ability to learn and predict it.
Under Represented
Add more images with this class to improve the model's ability to learn and predict it.
Under Represented
Add more images with this class to improve the model's ability to learn and predict it.
Under Represented
Add more images with this class to improve the model's ability to learn and predict it.
Under Represented
This class is missing from the split. Add more images with this class to balance the
Add more images with this class to improve the model's ability to learn and predict it.
Under Represented
Add more images with this class to improve the model's ability to learn and predict it.
Under Represented
Add more images with this class to improve the model's ability to learn and predict it.
Under Represented
Add more images with this class to improve the model's ability to learn and predict it.
Under Represented
This class is missing from the split. Add more images with this class to balance the
Dimension Insights
Overview of the sizes and aspect ratios of the images in your dataset.
Size Distribution
Sizes are based on the number of pixels in your images.
All images are the same size, 5558x4166.
Aspect Ratio Distribution
The aspect ratio of your images compares the width vs. the height of your images.
Annotation Heatmap
Overview of where your annotations are located in the images in your dataset.
JAP L111-Day 29 (24)
JAP Fancy Green - Day 29 (24)
JAP L111-Day27 (24)
Lalique-Day36 (35)
JAP Fancy Green - Day 34 (25)
JAP L122-Day31 (15)
JAP Fancy Green - Day 27 (23)
JAP Fancy Green - Day 28 (25)
JAP L111-Day28 (24)
Lalique-Day26 (20)
Lalique-Day40 (20)
JAP L111-Day32 (20)
JAP Fancy Green - Day 33 (19)
JAP Fancy Green - Day 35 (22)
JAP Fancy Green - Day 30 (16)
Lalique-Day28 (20)
Lalique-Day35 (25)
JAP L119-Day36 (20)
JAP L122-Day32 (20)
JAP L111-Day34 (20)
JAP L111-Day35 (20)
Lalique-Day37 (27)
JAP L122-Day40 (23)
JAP L122-Day39 (27)
JAP L122-Day38 (27)
JAP L111-Day30 (20)
JAP L122-Day34 (20)
JAP L122-Day25 (26)
JAP L122-Day26 (20)
JAP L111-Day33 (20)
JAP L119-Day34 (20)
JAP L122-Day27 (29)
JAP L111-Day36 (20)
JAP L122-Day28 (34)
JAP L122-Day30 (21)
JAP L119-Day30 (16)
Lalique-Day39 (21)
JAP L119-Day35 (20)
JAP L119-Day31 (13)
JAP L119-Day27 (28)
Lalique-Day38 (21)
Lalique-Day31 (33)
JAP Fancy Green - Day 32 (20)
JAP L119-Day32 (7)
JAP L119-Day28 (24)
JAP L122-Day37 (24)
JAP L111-Day31 (20)
JAP L122-Day36 (24)
Lalique-Day25 (20)
JAP L122-Day29 (40)
JAP Fancy Green - Day 31 (20)
JAP Fancy Green - Day 36 (28)
Lalique-Day27 (20)
JAP L119-Day29 (24)
JAP L122-Day35 (25)
Lalique-Day29 (13)
JAP L119-Day33 (15)
JAP L122-Day33 (21)
Histogram of Object Count by Image
Overview of how many classes are annotated in each image in your dataset.
JAP L111-Day 29
JAP Fancy Green - Day 29
JAP L111-Day27
JAP Fancy Green - Day 34
JAP L122-Day31
JAP Fancy Green - Day 27
JAP Fancy Green - Day 28
JAP L111-Day28
JAP L111-Day32
JAP Fancy Green - Day 33
JAP Fancy Green - Day 35
JAP Fancy Green - Day 30
JAP L119-Day36
JAP L122-Day32
JAP L111-Day34
JAP L111-Day35
JAP L122-Day40
JAP L122-Day39
JAP L122-Day38
JAP L111-Day30
JAP L122-Day34
JAP L122-Day25
JAP L122-Day26
JAP L111-Day33
JAP L119-Day34
JAP L122-Day27
JAP L111-Day36
JAP L122-Day28
JAP L122-Day30
JAP L119-Day30
JAP L119-Day35
JAP L119-Day31
JAP L119-Day27
JAP Fancy Green - Day 32
JAP L119-Day32
JAP L119-Day28
JAP L122-Day37
JAP L111-Day31
JAP L122-Day36
JAP L122-Day29
JAP Fancy Green - Day 31
JAP Fancy Green - Day 36
JAP L119-Day29
JAP L122-Day35
JAP L119-Day33
JAP L122-Day33
1155 imgs