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bib_detection-gwoxz/5 (latest)
Since this image is a processed & augmented version of the original image, you can't modify annotations here.
Auto-Orient | Applied |
Resize | Fit (black edges) in 2000x2000 |
{ "camera": "Generated by Roboflow", "classes": { "bib": 688, "face": 636, "person": 668 }, "datasets": [ "TnXAyzxQwuyqH8BJxGMm" ], "destination": "51b0942bcb8affe3e1fcb3e4db67b5e9", "height": 2000, "id": "CQIU5EOZ4dmQzRymoI2Y", "label": [], "labels": [], "name": "IMG_0994.JPG", "numSteps": 2, "owner": "if5FbALBDmN00AZXI3GFbAtKnca2", "predictions": [ { "color": "#8622FF", "label": "person", "x": 918.1660461425781, "y": 1226.0502319335938, "width": 431.40936279296875, "height": 889.3577880859375 }, { "color": "#8622FF", "label": "bib", "x": 911.9881286621094, "y": 1230.0479736328125, "width": 182.65716552734375, "height": 132.33056640625 }, { "color": "#8622FF", "label": "face", "x": 918.7727355957031, "y": 873.2149963378906, "width": 150.33709716796875, "height": 218.92889404296875 } ], "preprocessing": [ "auto-orient", "resize:[\"Fit (black edges) in\",2000,2000]" ], "preprocessingParsed": [ { "name": "Auto-Orient", "value": "Applied" }, { "name": "Resize", "value": "Fit (black edges) in 2000x2000" } ], "source": "CQIU5EOZ4dmQzRymoI2Y", "split": "test", "split.TnXAyzxQwuyqH8BJxGMm.4": "test", "split.TnXAyzxQwuyqH8BJxGMm.5": "test", "status": "generated", "transforms": "[\n \"auto-orient\",\n \"resize:[\\\"Fit (black edges) in\\\",2000,2000]\"\n]", "updated": 1727868596295, "updatedDate": "Dec 24, 56723", "updatedTime": "2:58AM", "updatedTimezone": "+00:00", "versions": [ "TnXAyzxQwuyqH8BJxGMm/4", "TnXAyzxQwuyqH8BJxGMm/5" ], "width": 2000 }
{ "boxes": [ { "id": "1", "label": "bib", "x": 907, "y": 1236, "width": 192, "height": 131 } ], "height": 2000, "key": "IMG_0994.JPG", "width": 2000 }
Annotation Editor
Smart Polygon