Drop image here to test
engine-parts-detector/3 (latest)
Resize | Stretch to 416x416 |
Flip | Both |
90° Rotate | Applied |
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{ "boxes": [ { "label": "Windscreen Washer", "x": 193, "y": 74.5, "width": 87, "height": 34 }, { "label": "Main Engine", "x": 237, "y": 173, "width": 139, "height": 116 }, { "label": "Radiator", "x": 144.5, "y": 103.5, "width": 22, "height": 24 }, { "label": "Air Coolant", "x": 250.5, "y": 76, "width": 64, "height": 53 } ], "height": 416, "key": "s-l1600.jpg", "width": 416 }
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Smart Polygon