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engine-parts-detector/3 (latest)
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Resize | Stretch to 416x416 |
{ "camera": "Generated by Roboflow", "classes": { "Air Coolant": 286, "Fuse-Box": 340, "Battery": 508, "Windscreen Washer": 334, "Radiator": 309, "Main Engine": 334 }, "datasets": [ "X4zam535WZjSIswSmi7z" ], "destination": "25f222013a585d8b0fa73d8aa2577241", "height": 416, "id": "YCTob0jlBZyBtsFyGOCg", "label": [], "labels": [], "name": "How-to-put-water-in-a-Ford-Fiesta.jpg", "numSteps": 1, "owner": "6cJUVV4YC18rT5WuPw9r", "predictions": [ { "color": "#8622FF", "label": "Radiator", "x": 199.99990400000002, "y": 92.00006399999998, "width": 66.00006400000001, "height": 51.999999999999986 } ], "preprocessing": [ "resize:[\"Stretch to\",416,416]" ], "preprocessingParsed": [ { "name": "Resize", "value": "Stretch to 416x416" } ], "source": "YCTob0jlBZyBtsFyGOCg", "split": "valid", "split.X4zam535WZjSIswSmi7z.2": "valid", "split.X4zam535WZjSIswSmi7z.3": "valid", "status": "generated", "transforms": "[\n \"resize:[\\\"Stretch to\\\",416,416]\"\n]", "updated": { "_seconds": 1672170148, "_nanoseconds": 619000000 }, "updatedDate": "Dec 27, 2022", "updatedTime": "7:42PM", "updatedTimezone": "+00:00", "versions": [ "X4zam535WZjSIswSmi7z/2", "X4zam535WZjSIswSmi7z/3" ], "width": 416 }
{ "boxes": [ { "label": "Air Coolant", "x": 142.5, "y": 284.5, "width": 243, "height": 249.5 } ], "height": 416, "key": "How to put water in a Ford Fiesta.jpg", "width": 416 }
Annotation Editor
Smart Polygon