Dataset Analytics

Generated on January 20, 2023 at 2:28 pm.

Number of Images


Number of Annotations


Average Image Size

1.23 mp

Median Image Ratio


Class Balance

Overview of the number of annotations for each class in your dataset.


Under Represented
Under Represented
Under Represented
Under Represented
Under Represented
Under Represented
Under Represented
Under Represented
Under Represented
Under Represented
Under Represented

Dimension Insights

Overview of the sizes and aspect ratios of the images in your dataset.

Size Distribution

Sizes are based on the number of pixels in your images.

The purple box indicates the median width by median height image (960x1280).

> 1024x1024

Aspect Ratio Distribution

The aspect ratio of your images compares the width vs. the height of your images.


Annotation Heatmap

Overview of where your annotations are located in the images in your dataset.

Maggi Masala Noodles 560g (985)
Maggi Masala Noodles 420g (1,142)
Maggi Masala Noodles 280g (1,127)
Maggi Vegatta 290g (1,255)
Maggi Vegatta Noodles 70g (678)
Maggi Special Noodles 71g (509)
Maggi Special Noodles 280g (436)
Maggi Veggie Masala Noodles 70g (306)
Maggi Spinach VegAtta Noodles 290g (275)
Maggi Oats Noodles 73g (391)
Maggi Oats Noodles 292g (822)
Maggi Masala Cup Noodles 70g (209)
Maggi Masala Noodles 140g (1,222)
Maggi Masala Noodles 71g (1,876)
Maggi Masala Noodles Mega Pack 896g (150)
Maggi Masala N560g -Family Pack- (334)
Maggi Chill Chow Cup Noodles 70g (117)
Maggi Chicken Noodles 284g (460)
Maggi Chicken Noodles 71g (340)
Maggi Spinach VegAtta Noodles 90g (164)
Maggi Veggie Masala Noodles 280g (475)

Histogram of Object Count by Image

Overview of how many classes are annotated in each image in your dataset.

Maggi Masala Noodles 560g
Maggi Masala Noodles 420g
Maggi Masala Noodles 280g
Maggi Vegatta 290g
Maggi Vegatta Noodles 70g
Maggi Special Noodles 71g
Maggi Special Noodles 280g
Maggi Veggie Masala Noodles 70g
Maggi Spinach VegAtta Noodles 290g
Maggi Oats Noodles 73g
Maggi Oats Noodles 292g
Maggi Masala Cup Noodles 70g
Maggi Masala Noodles 140g
Maggi Masala Noodles 71g
Maggi Masala Noodles Mega Pack 896g
Maggi Masala N560g -Family Pack-
Maggi Chill Chow Cup Noodles 70g
Maggi Chicken Noodles 284g
Maggi Chicken Noodles 71g
Maggi Spinach VegAtta Noodles 90g
Maggi Veggie Masala Noodles 280g
    88 imgs
  • 1
  • 2-17
  • 18-33
  • 34-49
  • 50-65
  • 66-81
  • 82-97
  • 98-113
  • 114-129
  • 130-145
  • 146-161
Count of all objects

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