Power Dist Test Images Computer Vision Project
Updated a year ago
Classes (17)
Bare Tie Wire
Bare Wire Jumper
C-type Clamp
Disconnector with Housing
Disconnector without Housing
Drop-out Fuse with Housing
Drop-out Fuse without Housing
Fault Indicator
Insulated Tie Wire
Insulated Wire Jumper
Parallel Groove Clamp
Problem Clamp
Silicone Insulator
Surge Arrester with Housing
Surge Arrester without Housing
Transformer HV-LV Bushing with Housing
Transformer HV-LV Bushing without Housing
A description for this project has not been published yet.
Cite This Project
CC BY 4.0 If you use this dataset in a research paper, please cite it using the following BibTeX:
title = { Power Dist Test Images Dataset },
type = { Open Source Dataset },
author = { 周文青 },
howpublished = { \url{ https://universe.roboflow.com/-qrkmn/power-dist-test-images-lav1k } },
url = { https://universe.roboflow.com/-qrkmn/power-dist-test-images-lav1k },
journal = { Roboflow Universe },
publisher = { Roboflow },
year = { 2024 },
month = { apr },
note = { visited on 2025-03-11 },