Related Objects of Interest: drinking , texting , yawning , eating , talking on phone , eyes closed , eyes open , seat belt , sleeping , driver
Top Talking Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for talking detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the talking datasets below.

668 images2 models
laptopphoneHUMAN-INTERACTION-TYPEPc_Laptopairpodscapturing citycity through windowdisconnected personearphones onipadiwatchlooking at the screenlooking downlooking straightphone in handphone in hand but looking downphone in hand but looking straightphone in hand but seeing aroundseeing aroundtalking to other person

7688 images
Adjusting radioDoing hair and makeupDrinking using left handDrinking using right handFatigue and somnolenceGPS operatingHaving pictureReaching behindSinging or dancingSmokingTalking phone using left handTalking phone using right handTalking to passengerWriting message using left handWriting message using right handsafe-driving

2000 images
drinkingc0 - Safe Drivingc1 - Textingc2 - Talking on the phonec3 - Operating the Radioc4 - Drinkingc5 - Reaching Behindc6 - Hair and Makeupc7 - Talking to Passengerhair and makeupoperating the radioreaching behindsafe drivingtalking on the phone - lefttalking on the phone - righttalking to passengertexting - lefttexting - right

2324 images1 model