Related Objects of Interest: dents-bg-remove , unknown , dents-bg-remove-large , dents-bg-remove-small , stop , warning , body , box , exit , generator
Top Remove Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for remove detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the remove datasets below.

1725 images

315 images4 models

1663 images1 model
capacitordiodeinductormetermotorpanelsockettransformer(RCD Circuit Breaker) Circuit Breaker with an Earth Connection and a Disconnector Isolator3wayswitchACpower supplyAir circuit breakerAmmeterAnnounciatorBRANCH CIRCUIT MINIMUM SIZE PER CKT BKRBRANCH CIRCUIT MINIMUM SIZE PER CKT BKR - REMAINBatteryBrake CluthesBusbarCapacitive Voltage transformer

9869 images
AKV - Acrokeratosis verruciformisAbrasionAbrasion and-or friction burn of thigh without infectionAbscessAcanthosis nigricansAcneAcne keloidalisAcne urticataActinic KeratosisActinic granulomaAcute and chronic dermatitisAcute constitutional eczemaAcute dermatitisAcute vesicular dermatitisAcute-on-chronic dyshidrotic eczema of handsAdnexal neoplasmAgminate folliculitisAllergic Contact DermatitisAllergic contact dermatitis caused by allergenic hapten derived from plantAmyloidosis of skin

9869 images
AKV - Acrokeratosis verruciformisAbrasionAbrasion and-or friction burn of thigh without infectionAbscessAcanthosis nigricansAcneAcne keloidalisAcne urticataActinic KeratosisActinic granulomaAcute and chronic dermatitisAcute constitutional eczemaAcute dermatitisAcute vesicular dermatitisAcute-on-chronic dyshidrotic eczema of handsAdnexal neoplasmAgminate folliculitisAllergic Contact DermatitisAllergic contact dermatitis caused by allergenic hapten derived from plantAmyloidosis of skin

40 images1 model
"capacitor jumper" CJ1"capacitor jumper" CJ2"component text" " CC BE 10000000""component text" "-309 LL6""component text" "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7""component text" "0 N""component text" "0001 5293 170A""component text" "0123456789ABCDEF""component text" "021 LDBM N389""component text" "0821-1X1T-43-F 1402 WM""component text" "0833 LTC2274 UJ BT267910""component text" "085811 B4T EHCR""component text" "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8""component text" "1 2 3 4""component text" "1 2 3""component text" "1 2""component text" "100 25V UT""component text" "100 50V UT""component text" "100 6V""component text" "100 CFK 7BD"

9872 images
AKV - Acrokeratosis verruciformisAbrasion and-or friction burn of thigh without infectionAbrasion, scrape, or scabAbscessAcanthosis nigricansAcneAcne keloidalisAcne urticataActinic KeratosisActinic granulomaAcute and chronic dermatitisAcute constitutional eczemaAcute dermatitisAcute dermatitis, NOSAcute vesicular dermatitisAcute-on-chronic dyshidrotic eczema of handsAdnexal neoplasmAgminate folliculitisAllergic Contact DermatitisAllergic contact dermatitis caused by allergenic hapten derived from plant

839 images2 models