Related Objects of Interest: fall-armyworm-larva , fall-armyworm-frass , fall-armyworm-larval-damage , healthy-maize , fall-armyworm-egg , maize-streak-disease , healthy maize , apple healthy , blight , fall
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#Apple-Black_RotApple-Cedar_RustApple-HealthyApple-ScabCabbage-Alternaria_leaf_spotCabbage-Bacterial_Leaf_spot_(Pseudomonas_syringae)Cabbage-Bacterial_soft_rotCabbage-Black_rotCabbage-Bottom_rotCabbage-HealthyCabbage-black_legCorn -maize- common rustCorn(maize)-Cercospora_Leaf_SpotCorn(maize)-HealthyCorn(maize)-Northern_Leaf_BlightCorn(maize)-common_rustGrape-Black_rotGrape-Esca_(Black_Measles)Grape-Healthy

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Apple Black RotApple Cedar RustApple HealthyApple ScabBlueberry HealthyCherry HealthyCherry Powdery MildewCorn comone RustCorn_(maize)___Northern_Leaf_BlightCorn_Cercospora_leaf_spot Gray_leaf_spotGrape___Black_rotGrape___Esca_(Black_Measles)Grape___Leaf_blight_(Isariopsis_Leaf_Spot)Grape___healthyOrange___Haunglongbing_(Citrus_greening)Peach___Bacterial_spotPeach___healthyStrawberry healthyTomato_Yellow_Leaf_Curl_VirusTomato___Bacterial_spot

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2718 images
AppleApple scabAppleBlack rotAppleCedar apple rustApplehealthyBlueberryhealthyCherry (including sour) healthyCherry(including sour) Powdery mildewCorn (maize) Common rustCorn (maize) Northern Leaf BlightCorn(maize) Cercospora leaf spot Gray leaf spotCorn(maize) healthyGrape_Black_rotGrape_Esca(Black_Measles)Grape_HealthyGrape_Leaf_Blight(Isariopsis_Leaf_Spot)Orange_Haunglongbing(Citrus_greening)Peach_Bacterial_SpotPeach_HealthyPepper_bell_Bacterial_SpotPepper_bell_healthy

1115 images
Apple leaves diseased - Cedar rustApple leaves diseased - scabApple leaves diseased -Black RotApple leaves healthyBlueberry leaves healthyCherry leaves - healthyCherry leaves diseased - Powerd mildewCorn(maize) diseased-Common RustCorn(maize) leaves - Gray leaf spot (Cercospora)Corn(maize)leaves - healthyGrape leaves diseased - Black measlesGrape leaves diseased - Isariopsis spotOrange leaves diseased - Hauglongbinb(green citrus)Peach leaves - healthyPeach leaves diseased bacterial spotPepper bell leaves - HealthyPepperbell leaves diseased - Bacterial SpotPotatoe leaves - HealthyPotatoe leaves diseased - Early blightStrawberry leaf healthy

5994 images
* collaborate with your team on computer vision projects==============================MaizeTech - v3 2023-06-01 2:24pmRoboflow is an end-to-end computer vision platform that helps youThis dataset was exported via roboflowThis dataset was exported via roboflow.com on October 11, 2023 at 5:47 AM GMTfall-armyworm-eggfall-armyworm-frassfall-armyworm-larvafall-armyworm-larval-damagehealthy-imageshealthy-maizemaize-streak-diseasenone-healthy

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Planet Name: Apple Disease: Black rotPlanet Name: Apple Disease: ScabPlanet Name: Apple Disease: cedar rustPlanet Name: Apple Disease:cedar rustPlanet Name: Apple HealthyPlanet Name: Cherry Disease: Powdery mildewPlanet Name: Cherry HealthyPlanet Name: Corn(maize) Disease:Cercospora leaf spot grayPlanet Name: Corn(maize) HealthyPlanet Name: Orange Disease:Haunglongbing (Citrus Greening)Planet Name: Pepper Disease:Bell Bacterial SpotPlanet Name: Pepper HealthyPlanet Name: Potato Disease:Black ScurfPlanet Name: Potato Disease:BlacklegPlanet Name: Potato Disease:Early BlightPlanet Name: Potato Disease:Late BlightPlanet Name: Potato HealthyPlanet Name: Tomato Disease:Leaf MoldPlanet Name: Tomato Disease:Mosaic VirusPlanet Name: Tomato Disease:Spider Mites Two Spotted

71 images1 model
Planet Name: Apple Disease: Black rotPlanet Name: Apple Disease: ScabPlanet Name: Apple Disease: cedar rustPlanet Name: Apple Disease:cedar rustPlanet Name: Apple HealthyPlanet Name: Cherry Disease: Powdery mildewPlanet Name: Cherry HealthyPlanet Name: Corn(maize) Disease:Cercospora leaf spot grayPlanet Name: Corn(maize) HealthyPlanet Name: Orange Disease:Haunglongbing (Citrus Greening)Planet Name: Pepper Disease:Bell Bacterial SpotPlanet Name: Pepper HealthyPlanet Name: Potato Disease:Black ScurfPlanet Name: Potato Disease:BlacklegPlanet Name: Potato Disease:Early BlightPlanet Name: Potato Disease:Late BlightPlanet Name: Potato HealthyPlanet Name: Tomato Disease:Leaf MoldPlanet Name: Tomato Disease:Mosaic VirusPlanet Name: Tomato Disease:Spider Mites Two Spotted

71 images
Planet Name: Apple Disease: Black rotPlanet Name: Apple Disease: ScabPlanet Name: Apple Disease: cedar rustPlanet Name: Apple Disease:cedar rustPlanet Name: Apple HealthyPlanet Name: Cherry Disease: Powdery mildewPlanet Name: Cherry HealthyPlanet Name: Corn(maize) Disease:Cercospora leaf spot grayPlanet Name: Corn(maize) HealthyPlanet Name: Orange Disease:Haunglongbing (Citrus Greening)Planet Name: Pepper Disease:Bell Bacterial SpotPlanet Name: Pepper HealthyPlanet Name: Potato Disease:Black ScurfPlanet Name: Potato Disease:BlacklegPlanet Name: Potato Disease:Early BlightPlanet Name: Potato Disease:Late BlightPlanet Name: Potato HealthyPlanet Name: Tomato Disease:Leaf MoldPlanet Name: Tomato Disease:Mosaic VirusPlanet Name: Tomato Disease:Spider Mites Two Spotted
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