Related Objects of Interest: bag on a table in front of concrete wall , black block below white cologne bottle next to a green leaf and a white smooth stone , black bottle on a light brown table with flowers in front of blue drape , black candle in front of pink background , black perfume bottle in front of gray background with reflection , black perfume bottle next to black ball and black fabric in front of pink background , black perfume bottle next to cloud on purple background , blue bottle in front of blue background , blue box in front of blue background , blue hairspray bottle on a white rock next to coral in front of a light grey background with soft lighting
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Top Flaming Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for flaming detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the flaming datasets below.

706 images1 model
animalcardrinkmushroomrockwine glass2 bottles on a rock next to fruit in front of orange background.2 brown paper boxes in front of light brown background2 cream bottles in front of blue tiles2 macarons on a rock block in front of light orange background3 black bottles next to yellow stairs and dry flower with shadow3 blue bottles on blue plates next to dry nuts3 bottles in front of light background with shadows3 bottles in front of light brown background with shadows.3 bottles in front of light gray background with shadows of a plant.3 boxes in front of dark background3 perfume bottles on reflective gray surface4 paper boxes in front of light yellow background4 potteries on a marble table6 white bowls of spices on a wooden surface

155 images
drink2 bottles on a rock next to fruit in front of orange background-2 brown paper boxes in front of light brown background2 cream bottles in front of blue tiles2 macarons on a rock block in front of light orange background3 black bottles next to yellow stairs and dry flower with shadow3 blue bottles on blue plates next to dry nuts3 bottles in front of light background with shadows3 bottles in front of light brown background with shadows-3 bottles in front of light gray background with shadows of a plant-3 boxes in front of dark background3 perfume bottles on reflective gray surface4 paper boxes in front of light yellow background4 potteries on a marble tableCPGa white circle against a beige background behind a perfume bottle on a rock-bag on a table in front of concrete wallbeige perfume bottle sitting on a rock in front of a white circle with a beige background-bird-s-eye view of a glass perfume bottle surrounded by red flower petals in front of a cream and beige colored background-bird-s-eye view of a golden skincare bottle surrounded by green leaves and blueberries in front of a yellow background

10000 images
African MarigoldAfrican TalisayAgave-PlantAgeratum-FlowerAglaonema-PlantAloe-vera-flowerAmpalaya-FlowerAnthuriumArabian-jasmineAromatic ginger plantAromatic-aster-flowerAsthma-PlantAurora-flowerBasket-plantBeach-Spider-LilyBeans-FlowerBegonia-FlowerBird-of-paradiseBleeding-heart-vine-FlowerBougainvillea-Flower

1766 images1 model
handDettol soapDoritos Flaming hotDoritos Sweet Chili FlavorDoritos cheese flavorDove ShampooFortune OilHeadShoulders ShampooLays Classic SaltedLays Magic MasalaLays Spanish TomatoLoreal ShampooNestle MaggiPatanjali Washing barPears SoapRin Washing PowderSunny oilSurf Excel Washing barSurf excel Washing powderTide Washing Powder
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