Top C2 Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for c2 detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the c2 datasets below.

2000 images
drinkingc0 - Safe Drivingc1 - Textingc2 - Talking on the phonec3 - Operating the Radioc4 - Drinkingc5 - Reaching Behindc6 - Hair and Makeupc7 - Talking to Passengerhair and makeupoperating the radioreaching behindsafe drivingtalking on the phone - lefttalking on the phone - righttalking to passengertexting - lefttexting - right

760 images
0555 Spanish Style SardinesAlaska 2in1 Crema-AsadaAlaska CondensadaC2 Apple Green TeaChippy BarbecueChippy Chili and CheeseCloud 9 Peanut ButterHoliday Beef LoafKitKatKnick Knacks Double ChocoMagic ChipsMrMr. Chips Nacho Cheese FlavoredNagaraya BarbecueNagaraya Hot and SpicyNova Country Cheddar FlavorNova Homestyle BBQ FlavorPiattos Nacho PizzaPiattos Sour Cream and Onion

894 images2 models
555 Spanish Style SardinesAlaska 2in1 Crema-AsadaAlaska CondensadaC2 Apple Green TeaChippy BarbecueChippy Chili and CheeseCloud 9 Peanut ButterHoliday Beef LoafKitKatKnick Knacks Double ChocoMagic ChipsMr. Chips Nacho Cheese FlavoredNagaraya BarbecueNagaraya Hot and SpicyNova Country Cheddar FlavorNova Homestyle BBQ FlavorPiattos Nacho PizzaPiattos Sour Cream and OnionPillowsSnickers

894 images2 models
555 Spanish Style SardinesAlaska 2in1 Crema-AsadaAlaska CondensadaC2 Apple Green TeaChippy BarbecueChippy Chili and CheeseCloud 9 Peanut ButterHoliday Beef LoafKitKatKnick Knacks Double ChocoMagic ChipsMr. Chips Nacho Cheese FlavoredNagaraya BarbecueNagaraya Hot and SpicyNova Country Cheddar FlavorNova Homestyle BBQ FlavorPiattos Nacho PizzaPiattos Sour Cream and OnionPillowsSnickers

4417 images1 model
555 Sardines in Tomato Sauce555 Tuna Afritada555 Tuna Caldereta7UPAbsolute Pure Distilled Drinking WaterAlaska Classic Sweetened Condensed Filled MilkAlaska CondensadaAlaska EvaporadaAll Natural Seasons Tropical FruitAngel All Purpose CreamerAppleAqua Life Filtration SystemsArgentina Corned BeefArgentina GinilingArgentina Meat LoafBear Brand Fortified Powdered Drink MilkBear Brand Swak Pack ChocomilkBell PepperBingo Double ChocoBingo Orange Cream

56 images
BIO RetentionBike StorageBike Storage-G107Bike Storage-G110Building Storage Attic StockBuilding Storage Attic Stock-G104Building Storage Attic Stock-G201Building Storage Attic Stock-G215Building Storage Attic Stock-G216Bulk StorageBulk Storage-G218CCTCorridorCourtyard 1Courtyard 2DiningDoorElec-TeleElec-Tele-1102