Related Objects of Interest: hand , kdd coffee with milk caffe latte , kitco nice chicken , kitco nice hot and spicy , kitco nice salty and vinegar , kitco stix grilled chicken , kitco stix hot and spicy , kitco stix lightly salted , kitco stix tomato ketchup
1 - 50 of 500k+
Top Kdd Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for kdd detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the kdd datasets below.

2003 images
Airpods proDJI mini 3 pro droneDJI om 5 smartphone stabilizerHandIpad airKDD Apple juiceKDD Cherry drinkKDD Chocolate ice creamKDD Cocktail drinkKDD Coffee with milk Caffe latteKDD Orange juiceKDD PineappleKDD Vanilla ice creamKDD mango nectarKITCO Nice ChickenKITCO Nice Hot and SpicyKITCO Nice Salty and VinegarKITCO Stix Grilled chickenKITCO Stix Hot and spicyKITCO Stix Tomato ketchup

2045 images
HandKDD Apple juice 250 milli litreKDD Cherry drink 250 milli litreKDD Chocolate ice cream 500 milli litreKDD Cocktail drink 125 milli litreKDD Coffee with milk Caffe latteKDD Orange juice 250 milli litreKDD Pineapple 250 milli litreKDD Vanilla ice cream 1 litreKDD mango nectar 125 milli litreKITCO Nice ChickenKITCO Nice Hot and SpicyKITCO Nice Salty and VinegarKITCO Stix Grilled chickenKITCO Stix Hot and spicyKITCO Stix Tomato ketchupKITCO Stix lightly saltedWhite soft bread from kuwait flour mills and bakerWhole Wheat Toast Bread from kuwait flour mills anairpods-pro
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