Related Objects of Interest: ballooning , steatosis , fibrosis , hard palate , calculus , caries , attached gingiva , enamel , gingivitis , hair
Top Inflammation Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for inflammation detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the inflammation datasets below.

5051 images

67 images1 model
CD 45 negetiveCD 99 negetiveCK 20 negativityCK 5/CK6 positivityCK 7 positivityChlamydial infectionCockleburrsCongo red stainElastic van Gieson stainFite acid-fast stainFouchet’s stainFreezing artefact of the tissueGrunwald Giemsa stained smearHer-2/neu immunostainLarge hole in the tissueMasson trichrome stainMethenamine silver stainMucus secreting endocervical columnar cellsNSE positivityOestrogen Receptor

7599 images
Accessory toolsAngiectasiaBarrett's esophagusBlood in lumenCecumColon diverticulaColon polypsColorectal cancerDuodenal bulbDyed-lifted-polypsDyed-resection-marginsErythemaEsophageal varicesEsophagitisGastric polypsGastroesophageal_junction_normal z-lineIleocecal valveMucosal inflammation large bowelNormal esophagusNormal mucosa and vascular pattern in the large bowel

29 images1 model
AnemiaAsthma circulatory and digestive problems cancerAtopic dermatitisCOVID-19 infection inflammation of the tongue Helicobacter pylori infection appendicitisCold anemiaDecreased immunityDiabetesDiabetes bile duct and gallbladder fungal infections decreased body immune defensesDiabetes heatstroke jaundice liver and gallbladder diseaseLeukoplakia a condition that may cause cancerNormal good healthThe tongue button is infected with fungus and inflammationTongue inflammationysc