Related Objects of Interest: twenty , fifty , hundred , five hundred , real fifty , real five hundred , real one hundred , real one thousand , real twenty , real two hundred
Top Five Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for five detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the five datasets below.

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Chinese One Yuan CoinJapanese Fifty Yen CoinJapanese Five Hundred CoinJapanese Five Yen CoinJapanese One Hundred Yen CoinJapanese One Yen CoinJapanese Ten Yen CoinKorean Fifty Won CoinKorean Five Hundred Won CoinKorean One Hundred Won CoinKorean Ten Won CoinPhilippine Five Peso CoinPhilippine One Peso CoinPhilippine Ten Peso CoinThailand Five Baht CoinThailand One Baht CoinThailand Ten Baht CoinUnlabeled

8574 images
01100 Genuine Sri Lankan Rupee1000 Genuine Sri Lankan Rupee220 Genuine Sri Lankan Rupee34550 Genuine Sri Lankan Rupee500 Genuine Sri Lankan Rupee5000 Genuine Sri Lankan Rupeefifty dollars backfifty dollars frontfifty thousand wonfive dollars backfive dollars frontfive thousand wonfive thousand yenone dollar back

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Fifty RupeesFiftyRupees Five Hundred RupeesOne Hundred RupeesTen RupeesTwenty RupeesTwo Hundred RupeesTwo Thousand Rupeesfifty dollars backfifty dollars frontfifty pesosfifty thousand wonfive dollars backfive dollars frontfive hundred pesosfive thousand wonfive thousand yenone dollar backone dollar frontone hundred pesos