Top Cereal Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for cereal detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the cereal datasets below.

300 images
Almond ToscaniAltic TraditionalArdmona Chopped TomatoesArnott's PremierAspro ClearBoag's PremiumBoag's St GeorgeBrita ClassicBrita Marella CoolBuckwheat Pancake MixButter MentholCDCarbonellColes RelianceColgate SensitiveCoolabah Red WineDairy MilkDandelion Natural CoffeeEase a coldExtra Virgin Olive Oil

4800 images1 model

300 images1 model
6Pack ExtraAlmond ToscaniAltis Traditional Olive OilArdmona Chopped TomatoesAspro ClearBRITA Filter CartridgesBRITA WasserfilterBetta Natural Gold ConesBoag's St GeorgeCD-RW MtvCadbury Dairy MilkCadbury RosesCarbonellCenovis 62 capsChocolate Flavoured BiscuitsColgate SensitiveConfetteria RaffaelloCoolabah Dry redEase a ColdExtra Virgin Olive Oil

590 images
0:Pasta with cheeseBeef stewed with potatoesBeef stroganoffBeetroot salad with rast oilBerry jelly (currant)Boiled pastaBoiled potatoes, cutBorschtBread from wheat flourBuckwheat porridgeBun with raisins or Baking p-nButterCabbage rolls with sauceCabbage saladCanned cucumbers without vinegarCarrot salad with vegetable oilCheese (in portions)Chicken pilafChopped chicken bitsCocoa drink with milk