Related Objects of Interest: stop , ============================== , pedestrian crossing , speed limit 30 , barrier ahead , cattle , cycle crossing , give way , right reverse bend , speed limit (100)
Top 20 Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for 20 detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the 20 datasets below.

164 images
* Auto-orientation of pixel data (with EXIF-orientation stripping)* Resize to 640x640 (Stretch)* annotate, and create datasets* collaborate with your team on computer vision projects* collect & organize images* export, train, and deploy computer vision models* understand and search unstructured image data* use active learning to improve your dataset over time192021222324252627282930

600 images
elephantfoxmonkeypigtiger* Auto-orientation of pixel data (with EXIF-orientation stripping)* Resize to 640x640 (Stretch)* annotate, and create datasets* collaborate with your team on computer vision projects* collect & organize images* export, train, and deploy computer vision models* understand and search unstructured image data* use active learning to improve your dataset over time19202122232425

250 images

1302 images1 model

120 images
-30 Pedestre ande pela esquerdaA-10a Entroncamento oblíquo à esquerdaA-10b Entroncamento oblíquo à direitaA-11a Junções sucessivas contrárias primeira à esquerdaA-11b Junções sucessivas contrárias primeira à direitaA-12 Interseção em círculoA-13a Confluência à esquerdaA-13b Confluência à direitaA-14 Semáforo à frenteA-14Semáforo à frenteA-15 Parada obrigatória à frenteA-16 Bonde VLTA-170 Pista irregularA-18 Saliência ou lombadaA-19 DepressãoA-1a Curva acentuada à esquerdaA-1b Curva acentuada à direitaA-20a Declive acentuadoA-20b Aclive acentuadoA-21a Estreitamento de pista ao centro

120 images
-30 Pedestre ande pela esquerdaA-10a Entroncamento oblíquo à esquerdaA-10b Entroncamento oblíquo à direitaA-11a Junções sucessivas contrárias primeira à esquerdaA-11b Junções sucessivas contrárias primeira à direitaA-12 Interseção em círculoA-13a Confluência à esquerdaA-13b Confluência à direitaA-14 Semáforo à frenteA-14Semáforo à frenteA-15 Parada obrigatória à frenteA-16 Bonde VLTA-170 Pista irregularA-18 Saliência ou lombadaA-19 DepressãoA-1a Curva acentuada à esquerdaA-1b Curva acentuada à direitaA-20a Declive acentuadoA-20b Aclive acentuadoA-21a Estreitamento de pista ao centro

1983 images1 model
- Auto-orientation of pixel data (with EXIF-orientation stripping)- Resize to 640x640 (Stretch)- collaborate with your team on computer vision projects- understand and search unstructured image data- use active learning to improve your dataset over time19202122232425==============================No image augmentation techniques were applied-Roboflow is an end-to-end computer vision platform that helps youThe dataset includes 2143 images-The following pre-processing was applied to each image:VEST - v1 2024-01-16 2:34pmVEST are annotated in YOLOv11 format-visit https:--github-com-roboflow-notebooks

674 images1 model
99 Original # 199 Original # 1099 Original # 1199 Original # 1299 Original # 1399 Original # 1499 Original # 1599 Original # 1699 Original # 1799 Original # 1899 Original # 1999 Original # 299 Original # 2099 Original # 2199 Original # 2299 Original # 2399 Original # 2499 Original # 2599 Original # 2699 Original # 27

60 images1 model
mango shelf life 1 days leftmango shelf life 6 days leftmango shelf life 7 days leftmango shelf life 9 days leftmango shelf life 11 days leftmango shelf life 12 days leftmango shelf life 13 days leftmango shelf life 14 days leftmango shelf life 16 days leftmango shelf life 2 days leftmango shelf life 4 days leftmango shelf life 10 days leftmango shelf life 15 days leftmango shelf life 17 days leftmango shelf life 18 days leftmango shelf life 19 days leftmango shelf life 3 days leftmango shelf life 5 days leftmango shelf life 8 days leftraw mango 0

186 images
Men at WorkNo StoppingStopannonce feux tricoloreschaussee glissantechaussee retreciedebouche de cyclistesdebouche sur un quaidescente dangereuseendroit frequente par les enfantshopitallimitation de vitesse 10limitation de vitesse 100limitation de vitesse 110limitation de vitesse 20limitation de vitesse 30limitation de vitesse 50limitation de vitesse 70limitation de vitesse 90passage d animaux

619 images1 model
bikebuscarcyclehumanmotorcyclepersonridercross walkinformation-pedestrians-crossing-g1regulatory-give-way-to-oncoming-traffic-g1regulatory-go-straight-g1regulatory-go-straight-or-turn-left-g1regulatory-go-straight-or-turn-right-g1regulatory-keep-left-g1regulatory-keep-right-g1regulatory-maximum-speed-limit-10-g1regulatory-maximum-speed-limit-100-g1regulatory-maximum-speed-limit-120-g1regulatory-maximum-speed-limit-15-g1