
8224 images
number* Random rotation of between -2 and +2 degrees* Random shear of between -10° to +10° horizontally and -10° to +10° vertically* annotate, and create datasets* collaborate with your team on computer vision projects* collect & organize images* export, train, and deploy computer vision models* understand and search unstructured image data* use active learning to improve your dataset over time01100101102103104105106107108

40 images2 models
"capacitor jumper" CJ1"capacitor jumper" CJ2"component text" " CC BE 10000000""component text" "-309 LL6""component text" "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7""component text" "0 N""component text" "0001 5293 170A""component text" "0123456789ABCDEF""component text" "021 LDBM N389""component text" "0821-1X1T-43-F 1402 WM""component text" "0833 LTC2274 UJ BT267910""component text" "085811 B4T EHCR""component text" "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8""component text" "1 2 3 4""component text" "1 2 3""component text" "1 2""component text" "100 25V UT""component text" "100 50V UT""component text" "100 6V""component text" "100 CFK 7BD"

45 images
0 알수없음1 비알 베리베리스트로베리 미니웨하스 100g10 로아커웨하스바닐라125g100 오리온 초코파이 바나나 444g102 (G)이태리콜루시크래커250g103 (G)이태리콜루시통밀크래커250g104 청우 그랑쉘사과195g105 청우그랑쉘얼그레이자몽190g106 청우 델로스오리지날315g107 청우델로스카푸치노쿠키315g108 청우 두부스틱220g109 청우 마렝고105g11 로아커웨하스 코코아&밀크 125g110 청우브루느와 브라우니쿠키165g111 청우 아꾸뿔레102g112 청우)쫀득초코칩240g113 청우 찰떡쿠키오리지날215g114 청우참깨스틱220g115 청우 초코파이찰떡 215g116 청우 플랑 딸기 160g