Related Objects of Interest: brown spot , leaf smut , bacterial leaf blight , brown-spot , healthy , leaf-smut , tungro , blast , rice blast , corn smut
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66211 images2 models
Apple black rotApple cedar rustApple healthyApple scabBasil Cercospora leaf spotBasil Downy MildewBasil Fusarium WiltBell pepper bacterial_spotBell pepper healthyBlueberry healthyCassava bacterial blightCassava brown leaf spotCassava healthyCassava mosaicCassava root rotCherry healthyCherry powdery mildewCilantro-Bacterial Leaf SpotCilantro-Blue SpotCitrus haunglongbing
9687 images1 model
4515 images3 models
DISEASE: Narrow Brown Spot NUTRIENT DEFFICIENT: Nitrogen (N), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), DISEASE: Bacterial Leaf Blight NUTRIENT DEFFICIENT: SiliconDISEASE: Hispa NUTRIENT DEFFICENCY: N/A ; Integrated pest management practices: DISEASE: Lead Scald NUTRIENT DEFFICIENT: Nitrogen (N), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), Sulfur (S)DISEASE: Leaf Smut NUTRIENT DEFFICIENT: N/A Proper field management practices to minimize the spread of the pathogen.HEALTHYISEASE: Leaf Blast NUTRIENT DEFFICIENT: Silicon, Nitrogen (N), Potassium (K), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca)
7402 images1 model
Anthracnose Fruit RotBlossom BlightCassava_Bacterial_DiseaseCassava_Brown_Leaf_SpotCassava_HealthyCassava_MosaicCassava_Root_RotChili___Anthracnose_fruitChili___Bacterial_leaf_spotChili___Healthy_fruitCorn HealthyCorn SmutCorn StreakCorn_BlightCorn_Brown_SpotsCorn_CercosporioseCorn_CharcoalCorn_Chlorotic_Leaf_SpotCorn_HealthyCorn_Insects_Damages
4925 images1 model
Cassava Bacterial BlightCassava Brown Leaf SpotCassava HealthyCassava MosaicCassava Root RotCorn Brown SpotsCorn CharcoalCorn Chlorotic Leaf SpotCorn Gray leaf spotCorn HealthyCorn Insects DamagesCorn MildewCorn Purple DiscolorationCorn SmutCorn StreakCorn StripeCorn Violet DecolorationCorn Yellow SpotsCorn YellowingCorn leaf blight
603 images1 model
banana_anthracnosebanana_black sigatokabanana_bunchy top virusbanana_healthybanana_moko diseasebanana_panama diseasebanana_streak diseasemango_anthracnosemango_bacterial black spotmango_healthymango_malformationmango_powdery mildewmango_red rustrice_bacterial leaf blightrice_brown spotrice_healthyrice_leaf blastrice_leaf scaldrice_narrow brownsorghum leaf_healthy
150 images1 model
Banana AnthracnoseBanana Black SigatokaBanana Bunchy Top VirusBanana Moko DiseaseBanana PanamaMango AnthracnoseMango Bacterial Black SpotMango MalformationMango Powdery MildewMango Red RustRice Bacterial Leaf BlightRice Brown SpotRice Leaf BlastRice Leaf ScaldRice Narrow BrownSorghum ErgotSorghum Grain MoldSorghum Loose SmutSorghum RustTomato Bacterial Spot
4562 images1 model
810 images1 model
Banana AnthracnoseBanana Black SigatokaBanana Bunchy Top VirusBanana Moko DiseaseBanana PanamaMango AnthracnoseMango Bacterial Black SpotMango MalformationMango Powdery MildewMango Red RustRice Bacterial Leaf BlightRice Brown SpotRice Leaf BlastRice Leaf ScaldRice Narrow BrownSorghum ErgotSorghum Grain MoldSorghum Loose SmutSorghum RustTomato Bacterial Spot
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