Related Objects of Interest: stop , no entry , give way , pedestrian crossing , slippery road , keep left , keep right , road narrows , speed limit 30 , no overtaking
2k images 1882 classes
bicycle building debris dustbin motorcycle scooter skateboard stop sign traffic light trailer tree umbrella 100kph speed limit 100kph speed limit sign 40kph speed limit for trucks and buses sign 40kph speed limit sign 50kph speed limit sign 50mph speed limit sign 60kph speed limit sign 70kph speed limit for all other vehicles sign
2k images 1882 classes
bicycle building debris dustbin motorcycle scooter skateboard stop sign traffic light trailer tree umbrella 100kph speed limit 100kph speed limit sign 40kph speed limit for trucks and buses sign 40kph speed limit sign 50kph speed limit sign 50mph speed limit sign 60kph speed limit sign 70kph speed limit for all other vehicles sign
938 images 131 classes 1 model
4.4k images 75 classes 1 model
no entry no parking pedestrian crossing roundabout slippery road stop traffic signal all motor vehicle prohibited axle load limit bullock cart and hand cart prohibited cattle ahead chevron direction compulsary ahead compulsary ahead or turn left compulsary ahead or turn right compulsary keep left compulsary keep right compulsary sound horn compulsary turn left ahead compulsary turn right ahead
4.2k images 62 classes
10 km/h Speed Limit 100 km/h Speed Limit 20 km/h Speed Limit 30 km/h Speed Limit 40 km/h Speed Limit 50 km/h Speed Limit 60 km/h Speed Limit 80 km/h Speed Limit Added Lane (left) Advisory speed 20 Bicycle Lane Bicycles Only Bus Lane Curve to left Curve to right End Clearway End Roadwork End of Shared Zone End of road Curve marker Give Way to Pedestrians
4.2k images 44 classes
10 km/h Speed Limit 100 km/h Speed Limit 20 km/h Speed Limit 30 km/h Speed Limit 40 km/h Speed Limit 50 km/h Speed Limit 60 km/h Speed Limit 80 km/h Speed Limit Added Lane (left) Advisory speed 20 Bicycle Lane Bicycles Only Bus Lane End Clearway End of Shared Zone Give way Give way at roundabout Island curve marker (right) Keep Left Keep Right
4.2k images 62 classes
10 km/h Speed Limit 100 km/h Speed Limit 20 km/h Speed Limit 30 km/h Speed Limit 40 km/h Speed Limit 50 km/h Speed Limit 60 km/h Speed Limit 80 km/h Speed Limit Added Lane (left) Advisory speed 20 Bicycle Lane Bicycles Only Bus Lane Curve to left Curve to right End Clearway End Roadwork End of Shared Zone End of road Curve marker Give Way to Pedestrians
4.2k images 62 classes
10 km/h Speed Limit 100 km/h Speed Limit 20 km/h Speed Limit 30 km/h Speed Limit 40 km/h Speed Limit 50 km/h Speed Limit 60 km/h Speed Limit 80 km/h Speed Limit Added Lane (left) Advisory speed 20 Bicycle Lane Bicycles Only Bus Lane Curve to left Curve to right End Clearway End Roadwork End of Shared Zone End of road Curve marker Give Way to Pedestrians
4.2k images 62 classes
10 km/h Speed Limit 100 km/h Speed Limit 20 km/h Speed Limit 30 km/h Speed Limit 40 km/h Speed Limit 50 km/h Speed Limit 60 km/h Speed Limit 80 km/h Speed Limit Added Lane (left) Advisory speed 20 Bicycle Lane Bicycles Only Bus Lane Curve to left Curve to right End Clearway End Roadwork End of Shared Zone End of road Curve marker Give Way to Pedestrians
2.2k images 43 classes 2 models
469 images 53 classes
3.7k images 26 classes
Children Crosswalk End-of-the-zone-of-all-restrictions Give-Way Main-road Maximum-speed-limit Men-at-work Movement-Prohibition Movement-left Movement-right Movement-straight Movement-straight-or-left Movement-straight-or-right Movement-straight-prohibited No-entry No-parking Overtaking-prohibited Parking Roundabout-Circulation STOP-sign
1.5k images 43 classes 2 models
animals (danger) bend (danger) bend left (danger) bend right (danger) construction (danger) cycles crossing (danger) danger (danger) give way (other) go left (mandatory) go left or straight (mandatory) go right (mandatory) go right or straight (mandatory) go straight (mandatory) keep left (mandatory) keep right (mandatory) no entry (other) no overtaking (prohibitory) no overtaking (trucks) (prohibitory) no traffic both ways (prohibitory) no trucks (prohibitory)
1.5k images 43 classes
animals (danger) bend (danger) bend left (danger) bend right (danger) construction (danger) cycles crossing (danger) danger (danger) give way (other) go left (mandatory) go left or straight (mandatory) go right (mandatory) go right or straight (mandatory) go straight (mandatory) keep left (mandatory) keep right (mandatory) no entry (other) no overtaking (prohibitory) no overtaking (trucks) (prohibitory) no traffic both ways (prohibitory) no trucks (prohibitory)
1.6k images 65 classes
4.5k images 58 classes 2 models
no entry no parking pedestrian crossing roundabout slippery road stop all motor vehicle prohibited all-motor-vehicles-prohibited axle load limit compulsary ahead compulsary keep left compulsary keep right compulsary turn left ahead compulsary turn right ahead cross road dangerous dip falling rocks gap in median give way guarded level crossing
1.3k images 46 classes 1 model
545 images 43 classes 2 models
8.8k images 178 classes 1 model
100m from concealed level crossing 2 lane usage and direction overview 200m from concealed level crossing 3 lane usage and direction overview 300m from concealed level crossing Ahead only Begin of a residential area Begin of a zone with speed limit 30 Begin of a zone with speed limit 40 Begin of expressway Begin of zone where parking is prohibited Bicycle Bus Stop Buses prohibited Camping site ahead Cars not allowed - prohibited Cattle crossing Caution, cyclists ahead Children crossing the road Circular mirror
1.6k images 38 classes
Ahead-Left Ahead-Right Cattle Compulsory Ahead Compulsory Cycle Track Compulsory Keep Left Compulsory Keep Right Compulsory Left Turn Compulsory Right Turn Compulsory right turn ahead Compulsory turn left ahead Cycle Crossing Give way Height limit Humpy Road Left hair pin bend Left hand curve Left turn prohibited Men at work Narrow road ahead
800 images 71 classes
1.3k images 92 classes
583 images 43 classes 1 model
animals (danger) bend (danger) bend left (danger) bend right (danger) construction (danger) cycles crossing (danger) danger (danger) give way (other) go left (mandatory) go left or straight (mandatory) go right (mandatory) go right or straight (mandatory) go straight (mandatory) keep left (mandatory) keep right (mandatory) no entry (other) no overtaking (prohibitory) no overtaking (trucks) (prohibitory) no traffic both ways (prohibitory) no trucks (prohibitory)
334 images 56 classes
no entry no parking pedestrian crossing roundabout slippery road stop all motor vehicle prohibited axle load limit compulsary ahead compulsary keep left compulsary keep right compulsary turn left ahead compulsary turn right ahead cross road dangerous dip falling rocks gap in median give way guarded level crossing height limit