Related Objects of Interest: rust , scab , frog-eye-leaf-spot , healthy , powdery-mildew , apple black rot , apple mosaic virus , apple rust , apple scab , banana anthracnose
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13236 images
apple black rotapple mosaic virusapple rustapple scabbanana anthracnosebanana black leaf streakbanana bunchy topbanana cigar end rotbanana cordana leaf spotbanana panama diseasebasil downy mildewbean halo blightbean mosaic virusbean rustbell pepper bacterial spotbell pepper blossom end rotbell pepper frogeye leaf spotbell pepper powdery mildewblueberry anthracnoseblueberry botrytis blight

7474 images1 model
Apple - Cedar Apple RustApple - Frog Eye SpotApple - HealthyApple - ScabCherry - HealthyCherry - Powdery MildewGrape - Black Measles FungusGrape - Black Rot FungusGrape - HealthyGrape - Leaf Blight FungusPeach - Bacterial SpotPeach - HealthyPepper - Bacterial SpotPepper - HealthyPotato - Early Blight FungusPotato - HealthyPotato - Late Blight FungusStrawberry - HealthyStrawberry - ScorchTomato - Bacterial Spot

6341 images
apple black rotapple mosaic virusapple rustapple scabbanana anthracnosebanana black leaf streakbanana bunchy topbanana cigar end rotbanana cordana leaf spotbanana panama diseasebasil downy mildewbean halo blightbean mosaic virusbean rustbell pepper bacterial spotbell pepper blossom end rotbell pepper frogeye leaf spotbell pepper powdery mildewblueberry anthracnoseblueberry botrytis blight

1394 images
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