Related Objects of Interest: stop , car , person , bus , truck , no entry , parking , give way , roundabout , pedestrian crossing
64 images 67 classes 1 model
road Alligator-Cracking Barrier-Ahead Compulsory-Ahead Compulsory-Ahead-Or-Turn-Left Compulsory-Ahead-Or-Turn-Right Compulsory-Bus-Stop Compulsory-Cycle-Track Compulsory-Keep-Left Compulsory-Sound-Horn Compulsory-Turn-Left Compulsory-Turn-Right Cross-Road Cycle-Crossing Cycle-Prohibited Give-Way Guarded-Level-Crossing Height-Limit Horn-Prohibited Left-Hair-Band
64 images 64 classes
Alligator-Cracking Barrier-Ahead Compulsory-Ahead Compulsory-Ahead-Or-Turn-Left Compulsory-Ahead-Or-Turn-Right Compulsory-Bus-Stop Compulsory-Cycle-Track Compulsory-Keep-Left Compulsory-Sound-Horn Compulsory-Turn-Left Compulsory-Turn-Right Cross-Road Cycle-Crossing Cycle-Prohibited Give-Way Guarded-Level-Crossing Height-Limit Horn-Prohibited Left-Hair-Band Left-Hand-Curve
938 images 131 classes 1 model
4.4k images 75 classes 1 model
no entry no parking pedestrian crossing roundabout slippery road stop traffic signal all motor vehicle prohibited axle load limit bullock cart and hand cart prohibited cattle ahead chevron direction compulsary ahead compulsary ahead or turn left compulsary ahead or turn right compulsary keep left compulsary keep right compulsary sound horn compulsary turn left ahead compulsary turn right ahead
64 images 64 classes
Alligator-Cracking Barrier-Ahead Compulsory-Ahead Compulsory-Ahead-Or-Turn-Left Compulsory-Ahead-Or-Turn-Right Compulsory-Bus-Stop Compulsory-Cycle-Track Compulsory-Keep-Left Compulsory-Sound-Horn Compulsory-Turn-Left Compulsory-Turn-Right Cross-Road Cycle-Crossing Cycle-Prohibited Give-Way Guarded-Level-Crossing Height-Limit Horn-Prohibited Left-Hair-Band Left-Hand-Curve
1.6k images 64 classes
Alligator-Cracking Barrier-Ahead Compulsory-Ahead Compulsory-Ahead-Or-Turn-Left Compulsory-Ahead-Or-Turn-Right Compulsory-Bus-Stop Compulsory-Cycle-Track Compulsory-Keep-Left Compulsory-Sound-Horn Compulsory-Turn-Left Compulsory-Turn-Right Cross-Road Cycle-Crossing Cycle-Prohibited Give-Way Guarded-Level-Crossing Height-Limit Horn-Prohibited Left-Hair-Band Left-Hand-Curve
2.6k images 47 classes 1 model
469 images 53 classes
740 images 48 classes
Beware of Ice or snow Crooked road ahead Cycle movement Deer movement End of 80 km speed limit obligations End of obligations End of overtaking by lorries End of overtaking by lorries obligations End of overtaking obligations Go Left Lane Left turn Maximum speed 100 km Maximum speed 120 km Maximum speed 20 km Maximum speed 30 km Maximum speed 50 km Maximum speed 60 km Maximum speed 70 km Maximum speed 80 km NO IDEA
4.6k images 38 classes 2 models
531 images 68 classes 2 models
924 images 64 classes
Alligator-Cracking Barrier-Ahead Compulsory-Ahead Compulsory-Ahead-Or-Turn-Left Compulsory-Ahead-Or-Turn-Right Compulsory-Bus-Stop Compulsory-Cycle-Track Compulsory-Keep-Left Compulsory-Sound-Horn Compulsory-Turn-Left Compulsory-Turn-Right Cross-Road Cycle-Crossing Cycle-Prohibited Give-Way Guarded-Level-Crossing Height-Limit Horn-Prohibited Left-Hair-Band Left-Hand-Curve
588 images 47 classes 1 model
roundabout Ahead Only Beware of Snow/Ice Bumpy Road Cautionary Road Sign Crossroads Ahead Cycle Crossing End-of-no-passing Give way Left Zigzag Bend No Entry No Overtaking No Overtaking By Heavy Goods Vehicles No Speed Limit No Trucks Allowed No Vehicles Other Danger Prevents Vehicles From Entering Priority Intersection Sign Priority Road
697 images 64 classes
Alligator-Cracking Barrier-Ahead Compulsory-Ahead Compulsory-Ahead-Or-Turn-Left Compulsory-Ahead-Or-Turn-Right Compulsory-Bus-Stop Compulsory-Cycle-Track Compulsory-Keep-Left Compulsory-Sound-Horn Compulsory-Turn-Left Compulsory-Turn-Right Cross-Road Cycle-Crossing Cycle-Prohibited Give-Way Guarded-Level-Crossing Height-Limit Horn-Prohibited Left-Hair-Band Left-Hand-Curve
3.8k images 35 classes
Barrier Ahead Bullock And Handcart Prohibited All Motor Vehicle Prohibited Compulsary Ahead Compulsary Keep Left Compulsary Keep Right Compulsary Sound Horn Compulsary Turn Left Compulsary Turn Right Cross Road Cycle Prohibited Give Way Horse Car Prohibited Left Turn Left Turn Prohibited Men At Work Narrow Bridge Narrow Road Ahead No Entry No Heavy Vehicles
3.7k images 70 classes
green light red light slippery road stop sign traffic light Green person light Red person light aeroport sign both direction road sign both side road narrow bump sign cattle crossing sign children crosswalk sign cliff road sign cycle crossing sign double curve left to right sign double curve right to left sign down road sign end of minimum speed limit: 30 falling rocks sign
619 images 60 classes 1 model
bike bus car cycle human motorcycle person rider cross walk information-pedestrians-crossing-g1 regulatory-give-way-to-oncoming-traffic-g1 regulatory-go-straight-g1 regulatory-go-straight-or-turn-left-g1 regulatory-go-straight-or-turn-right-g1 regulatory-keep-left-g1 regulatory-keep-right-g1 regulatory-maximum-speed-limit-10-g1 regulatory-maximum-speed-limit-100-g1 regulatory-maximum-speed-limit-120-g1 regulatory-maximum-speed-limit-15-g1
1.9k images 47 classes
stop sign Compulsory Keep BothSide Compulsory Keep Left Compulsory Keep Right Cycle crossing Danger Give Way Hump Left Bend Left Margin Left Turn Prohibited Maximum Speed 30 Maximum Speed 40 Maximum Speed 50 Maximum Speed 60 Maximum Speed 70 Maximum Speed 80 Maximum Speed 90 MotorCycle Prohibited NO Stopping
2.7k images 120 classes 1 model
Agricultural Vehicles Area Reserved for Buses Axle Load Limit Bus Lane Bus Parking Area Bus Stop Bus Stop Ahead Buses Only Car Park Children Warning Combined Curves Left Cone Signs Cross Road On Priority Road Cross Walk Cross Winds Curve Chevron Cycle Route Ahead Cyclist Only Danger Plate Delineators
122 images 122 classes
All motor vehicles prohibited Animals Axle load limit Barrier Blind persons likely on road ahead Built-up area Bullock cart and hand cart prohibited Bullock cart prohibited Bump Chevron Children Compulsory ahead Compulsory ahead or turn left Compulsory ahead or turn right Compulsory cycle track Compulsory keep left Compulsory minimum speed Compulsory sound horn Compulsory turn left Compulsory turn left ahead
1.6k images 65 classes
9.8k images 66 classes 2 models
122 images 122 classes
All motor vehicles prohibited Animals Axle load limit Barrier Blind persons likely on road ahead Built-up area Bullock cart and hand cart prohibited Bullock cart prohibited Bump Chevron Children Compulsory ahead Compulsory ahead or turn left Compulsory ahead or turn right Compulsory cycle track Compulsory keep left Compulsory minimum speed Compulsory sound horn Compulsory turn left Compulsory turn left ahead
72 images 13 classes 1 model
141 images 51 classes
Ancillary - Zig Zag Marking - Any Size Ancillary---Chevron---Big Ancillary---Chevron---Small Ancillary---H-Bar---Any-Size Ancillary---Hatching---Any-Size Ancillary---Intermittent-Give-Way-Line---Big Ancillary---Intermittent-Give-Way-Line---Small Ancillary---Stop-BarAny-Size Ancillary---box-markings---Any-Size Arrow---bifurcation-arrow---Big Arrow---bifurcation-arrow---Small Arrow---curved-arrow---Big Arrow---curved-arrow---Small Arrow---double-headed-arrow---Big Arrow---double-headed-arrow---Small Arrow---straight-arrow---Big Arrow---straight-arrow---Small Arrow---turn-arrow---Big Arrow---turn-arrow---Big\ Arrow---turn-arrow---Small
557 images 8 classes 1 model