Related Objects of Interest: traffic signal , car , truck , person , stop , bus , no entry , roundabout , slippery road , bike
Top Traffic Signal Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for traffic signal detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the traffic signal datasets below.
49 images 20 classes 1 model
583 images 43 classes 1 model
animals (danger) bend (danger) bend left (danger) bend right (danger) construction (danger) cycles crossing (danger) danger (danger) give way (other) go left (mandatory) go left or straight (mandatory) go right (mandatory) go right or straight (mandatory) go straight (mandatory) keep left (mandatory) keep right (mandatory) no entry (other) no overtaking (prohibitory) no overtaking (trucks) (prohibitory) no traffic both ways (prohibitory) no trucks (prohibitory)
264 images 9 classes
4.9k images 15 classes 1 model
1.8k images 49 classes
2 Beware of Ice or snow Crooked road ahead Cycle movement Deer movement End of 80 km speed limit obligations End of obligations End of overtaking by lorries End of overtaking by lorries obligations End of overtaking obligations Go Left Lane Left turn Maximum speed 100 km Maximum speed 120 km Maximum speed 20 km Maximum speed 30 km Maximum speed 50 km Maximum speed 60 km Maximum speed 70 km Maximum speed 80 km
4.6k images 49 classes
2 Beware of Ice or snow Crooked road ahead Cycle movement Deer movement End of 80 km speed limit obligations End of obligations End of overtaking by lorries End of overtaking by lorries obligations End of overtaking obligations Go Left Lane Left turn Maximum speed 100 km Maximum speed 120 km Maximum speed 20 km Maximum speed 30 km Maximum speed 50 km Maximum speed 60 km Maximum speed 70 km Maximum speed 80 km
1.8k images 8 classes
9.3k images 78 classes 4 models
no entry no parking pedestrian crossing roundabout slippery road stop traffic signal Lane-Lines all motor vehicle prohibited axle load limit bullock cart and hand cart prohibited cattle ahead chevron direction compulsary ahead compulsary ahead or turn left compulsary ahead or turn right compulsary keep left compulsary keep right compulsary sound horn compulsary turn left ahead
1.2k images 78 classes
no entry no parking pedestrian crossing roundabout slippery road stop traffic signal Lane-Lines all motor vehicle prohibited axle load limit bullock cart and hand cart prohibited cattle ahead chevron direction compulsary ahead compulsary ahead or turn left compulsary ahead or turn right compulsary keep left compulsary keep right compulsary sound horn compulsary turn left ahead
10k images 79 classes
no entry no parking pedestrian crossing roundabout slippery road stop traffic signal Lane-Lines Unlabeled all motor vehicle prohibited axle load limit bullock cart and hand cart prohibited cattle ahead chevron direction compulsary ahead compulsary ahead or turn left compulsary ahead or turn right compulsary keep left compulsary keep right compulsary sound horn
10k images 78 classes
no entry no parking pedestrian crossing roundabout slippery road stop traffic signal Lane-Lines all motor vehicle prohibited axle load limit bullock cart and hand cart prohibited cattle ahead chevron direction compulsary ahead compulsary ahead or turn left compulsary ahead or turn right compulsary keep left compulsary keep right compulsary sound horn compulsary turn left ahead
100 images 6 classes 1 model
799 images 41 classes 1 model
animals (danger) bend left (danger) bend right (danger) construction (danger) cycles crossing (danger) danger (danger) give way (other) go left (mandatory) go left or straight (mandatory) go right (mandatory) go right or straight (mandatory) go straight (mandatory) keep left (mandatory) keep right (mandatory) no entry (other) no overtaking (prohibitory) no overtaking (trucks) (prohibitory) no traffic both ways (prohibitory) no trucks (prohibitory) priority at next intersection (danger)
211 images 6 classes 1 model
81 images 12 classes 2 models
35 images 11 classes 1 model
10k images 78 classes 1 model
no entry no parking pedestrian crossing roundabout slippery road stop traffic signal Lane-Lines all motor vehicle prohibited axle load limit bullock cart and hand cart prohibited cattle ahead chevron direction compulsary ahead compulsary ahead or turn left compulsary ahead or turn right compulsary keep left compulsary keep right compulsary sound horn compulsary turn left ahead
57 images 150 classes
141 142 143 144 Advisory Speed 55 km-h All Traffic Must Turn Left All Traffic Must Turn Right Alternative Railway Crossing Position in an Area That Can Be Easily Seem Animal Crossing Ahead Approach to Intersection Approach to Intersection Merging Traffic -Left- Approach to Intersection Merging Traffic -Right- Approach to Intersection Side Road -Left- Approach to Intersection Side Road -Right- Be Aware and Stop for Children Crossing Ahead Be Aware and Stop for Person with Disabilities Ahead Be Aware of Pedestrian Crossing Be Aware of Person with Disabilities -PWD- Crossing Be Aware of School Children Crossing Bike Lane
212 images 9 classes