Related Objects of Interest: background , shalwar , kameez , qameez , acne , shirt , pigmentation , rosacea , dry skin , enlarged pores
Top Skin Computer Vision Models
The models below have been fine-tuned for various skin detection tasks. You can try out each model in your browser, or test an edge deployment solution (i.e. to an NVIDIA Jetson). You can use the datasets associated with the models below as a starting point for building your own skin detection model.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to count skins in images and videos.

2361 images1 model
Allis ForcepsArmy Navy RetractorArtery ForcepsBabcock ForcepsBackhaus Towel ClampBandage SciccorsCatheter TrayCheatle ForcepsCurved MayoCzerny RetractorDeaver RetractorDesjardin ForcepsDisscting Forceps -Plain-Disscting Forceps -tooth-Doyel Instestinal ForcepsDoyen Cross Action Towel ClampEye Intestinal ForcepsHrrington retractorJones Towel ClampKelly Retractor

37 images3 models
ballfrontpersonbasketball black whitebasketball frontbasketball long hairbasketball redbasketball rightbasketball short socksbasketball white headbangbasketball yellow shoesbasketball-playersbeard - white shoesbelowblack headbang - orange shoes - dark skindark skin - headbang - white socksdark skin n white red shoesfronyorange shoesred team - blakc shoes and dark skin

170 images1 model
Bone-CancerBrain-CancerConsult Specialist DoctorEye-CancerKaposi sarcoma-CancerLupus Erythematosus cause-CancerLymphoblastic Leukemia(Blood Cancer)Malassezia folliculitis-CancerMelanoma-Dermatologic CancerMeningioma-CancerNormalOral Carcinoma-CancerOsteosarcoma kind of Bone-CancerPatientsRetinoblastoma-CancerSkin-CancerSymptoms of Blood-CancerSymptoms of Eczema cause CancerWye-Cancerhemorrhage